City Inside/Out
Local issues from all sides -- Fridays | 7 p.m.About City Inside/Out
Seattle is a vibrant and complex city, and the Seattle Channel's City Inside/Out with Brian Callanan brings you thoughtful, in-depth reports and discussions about important local issues every week.
Brian Callanan is a five-time Emmy winner who currently serves as a host, producer, and moderator for the Seattle Channel, where he's worked since 2011. His career in broadcast journalism began in 1995, and includes an 11-year stint as a reporter and anchor for Q13 News. Brian won the Seattle Municipal League's Civic Award for Government News Reporting in 2016. He lives with his wife and two daughters in West Seattle.
Should comprehensive sex education lessons be mandatory for K-12 students in WA? State lawmakers passed the controversial bill in March, but voters will have the final say in November. Supporters of Referendum 90 say the landmark law will protect students with age-appropriate health information, but opponents call it a misguided policy that takes away local control.
Beth Daranciang, Representative, Informed Parents of Washington
Courtney Normand, Washington State Director, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest & Hawaii
Leah Griffin, Teacher & Sexual Assault Reform Advocate
Kim Wendt, Co-Founder, Informed Parents of Washington