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This animated short film tells the story of World War II veteran Frank Nishimura and is based on the graphic novel "Fighting for America: Nisei Soldiers," written by Lawrence Matsuda and illustrated by Matt Sasaki. Frank grew up in Seattle where his family ran hotels, including the Puget Sound Hotel. With Executive Order 9066, which set in motion the expulsion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast, the Nishimuras moved to Eastern Washington avoiding imprisonment. Frank volunteered to join the U.S Army as part of the 442nd/100th Battalion, where he made new friends and strong connections. Frank saw heavy combat in France and Italy and was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star among others. He was later awarded the French National Order of the Legion of Honor and the Congressional Gold Medal. Nishimura passed away on Sept. 25, 2021.
The film was produced in partnership with the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience and the Seattle NVC Foundation as part of the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's Kip Tokuda Memorial Washington Civil Liberties Public Education Program.
Transcript of this video available here.