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City Council 1/6/20
City Council 1/6/20

Agenda: Election of 2020-2021 Council President; Presentations - Oath of Office to newly elected Councilmembers; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119720: 2019 Budget; Res 31922: relating to committee structure, membership, meeting times, and duties of the standing committees of the Seattle City Council for 2020 and 2021; Res 31923: relating to Seattle City Councilmember participation, for 2020 and 2021, on King County Committees, Regional Committees, State Committees, and City of Seattle Committees; Res 31924: designating the monthly President Pro Tem of the City Council of The City of Seattle for 2020-2021.

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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