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Public Assets & Native Communities Committee 2/6/20
Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; Seattle Parks and Recreation Department Overview and 2020 Workplan; Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects Overview and 2020 Workplan; The Seattle Public Library Overview and 2020 Workplan; Seattle Center Overview and 2020 Workplan; Seattle Indian Health Board Overview and 2020 Workplan.
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Seattle Parks and Recreation Department Overview and 2020 Workplan - 5:59
Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects Overview and 2020 Workplan - 30:40
The Seattle Public Library Overview and 2020 Workplan - 1:01:04
Seattle Center Overview and 2020 Workplan - 1:26:52
Seattle Indian Health Board Overview and 2020 Workplan - 1:44:40