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Councilmembers define vision for defunding police department
Councilmembers define vision for defunding police department

Council President M. Lorena González and Councilmembers Lisa Herbold and Tammy J. Morales clarify with the public the Council's plan for meaningful community investments this year to improve public safety for everyone, especially BIPOC communities in Seattle. 

The Councilmembers discuss cuts to the Seattle Police Department's Budget during the 2020 summer rebalancing package, and proposed cuts that will be decided on during the fall budget process, which will kick off in September. They also share their vision for a pathway forward during the upcoming fall budget session with the explicit goal to uproot the harmful systems that have continued to oppress Black and Indigenous communities, and also to lay the foundation for new systems to be built that center the humanity, healing, and growth of BIPOC communities.  

Speakers include:

Council President M. Lorena González, City of Seattle

Councilmember Lisa Herbold, City of Seattle

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales, City of Seattle

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