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Sense of Place: Solutions to Save Showbox & Cultural Space
Sense of Place: Solutions to Save Showbox & Cultural Space

Panelists discuss ways to preserve cultural space within a city that is quickly transforming, including The Showbox, an iconic performance venue that could be demolished for a residential high-rise project.  The Northwest Film Forum event combines storytelling, case studies, films, and live testimonials to bring together Seattle's artistic community, lawmakers, bloggers - and anyone who sees the benefits of a thriving art community - to create dialogue, form action steps, and incite action. 

Cynthia Brothers, Vanishing Seattle 
Michael Seiwerath, Capitol Hill Housing
Shannon Welles, Showbox

Vivian Hua, Northwest Film Forum
Benjamin Hunter, Black & Tan Hall
Kshama Sawant, Councilmember
Eugenia Woo, Historic Seattle
Matthew Richter, Office of Arts & Culture 
Evan Clifthorne, Rise up Belltown

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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