City Council
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314326: Full Unit Lot Subdivision application at 4809 S. Willow St.; CB 119695: approving and confirming "Seattle Modern Living on Willow" plat; CB 119697: relating to public works and improvements; Res 31915: fixing date for hearing final assessment roll for "Waterfront LID."
City Council 11/18/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314326: Full Unit Lot Subdivision application at 4809 S. Willow St.; CB 119695: approving and confirming "Seattle Modern Living on Willow" plat; CB 119697: relating to public works and improvements; Res 31915: fixing date for hearing final assessment roll for "Waterfront LID."
City Council 11/12/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills.
City Council Special Meeting 11/7/19
Agenda: Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
City Council 10/28/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills.
City Council 10/21/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 31913: concerning Washington Referendum Measure No. 88.
City Council 10/14/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314365: Application of Kathleen Justice to rezone - 5256 Rainier Avenue S; CB 119664: relating to land use and zoning - 5256 Rainier Avenue S; CB 119663: relating to City employment - IBEW Local No. 77; Appointments; Res 31912: setting the public hearing on petition of Willow Crossing, LLLP.
City Council 10/7/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119600: relating to environmental review; Res 31911: opposing Washington Initiative Measure 976; CB 119288: relating to the City's criminal code.
City Council 9/30/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 31910: "Infants at Work" pilot program; CB 119606: relating to rental properties; CB 119658: relating to rental agreements; CB 119619: relating to notices to residential rental tenants; CB 119620: relating to residential rent payments; CB 119621: relating to termination of residential rental tenancies; CB 119639: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119631: relating to the City Light Department; CB 119632: relating to the City Light Department; CB 119633: relating to the rates, terms and conditions for the use and sale of electricity; CB 191659: relating to emergency assistance for low-income customers; CB 119635: Loyal Heights and Phinney Substation properties; Appointment to City Light Review Panel; CB 119614: vacating Carr Place North; Res 31908: maintenance of existing sidewalks; Res 31909: traffic signals policy; Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Transit Advisory Board, Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board.
City Council 9/23/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314433: Mayor Jenny A. Durkan's Budget Address on the 2020 Budget; Appointment of Emily L. Alvarado as Director of Office of Housing; CB 119654: relating to hotel employees' health and safety; CB 119615: Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; CB 119519: relating to surveillance technology implementation; CB 119636: relating to the same and use of tobacco and marijuana products; CB 119637: relating to crimes and offenses concerning animals; CF 314359: application to rezone - 4730 15th Ave NE; CB 119651: relating to land use and zoning - 4730 15th Ave NE; CB 119649: Approving and confirming the plat of "Raymond Place"; CF 314378: subdivision application - 5936 35th Ave S.; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119648: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - Seattle Children's PlayGarden; CB 119655: Seattle Monorail; CB 119647: Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Chester Morse Collection; Appointment; CB 119607: relating to heating oil; CB 119653: relating to the City's traffic code; CB 119652: relating to citations and penalties in the Street and Sidewalk Use code; CB 19622: relating to pedestrian and business interactions in the public place; CB 119618: relating to City streets - NW Locks Place; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119650: relating to violations of an compliance with the Seattle Fire Code.
City Council 9/16/19
Agenda: Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119554: relating to employment in Seattle; CB 119556: relating to employment in Seattle; CB 119557: relating to employment in Seattle; CB 119555: relating to employment in Seattle; Res 31907: in support of youth-led Global Climate Strike; CB 119623: relating to City employment; CB 119624: relating to City employment; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119626: relating to City employment; CB 119642: relating to City emergency purchases of goods and services; CB 119629: related to appropriations for the Human Services Department; CB 119641: relating to property at Sand Point; CB 119643: relating to property at Mercer Street and Second Avenue North; Res 31905: Physical Development Management Plan for Sand Point; Res 31902: Protecting trees and tree canopy cover; Appointments; CB 119597: relating to land use and zoning; CB 119608: relating to City-owned property at 702 Roy Street; CB 119609: relating to City-owned properties in South Lake Union; CB 119561: vacating an alley in Block 1, Witt's Addition; CB 119610: vacating a portion of Armory Way; CB 119604: Green New Deal; Res 31903: relating to procurement and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Res 31899: thermal energy exchange system proposed by Onni DEU LLC.
City Council 9/9/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119288: relating to the City's criminal code; Res 31900: relating to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) crisis; CB 119616: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - 1902 NE 98th St acquisition; Res 31891: improvements to Victor Steinbrueck Park.
City Council 9/3/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119584: relating to residential rental properties; CB 119608: relating to the City-owned property at 702 Roy Street; CB 119601: relating to construction of protected bicycle lanes; Res 31898: budget proposal for creating on-street and e-scooter parking; Res 31894: 2019-2024 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Plan; CB 119516: City Light Department large solar program; CB 119571: City Light Department participation in Western Energy Imbalance Market; CB 119577: City employment - 2019 Citywide Position List; CB 119578: City employment - City's Power Marketing Compensation Program; CB 119591: City Light Department - surplus real property; CB 119603: transfer of City real property on Yakima Avenue South; CB 119498: City Light Department - accepting deeds for property in Pend Orielle County, Wa.; CB 119533: City Light Department - easements; CB 119534: City Light Department - accepting easements; CB 119592: City Light Department - purchase of property in Pend Orielle County, Wa.
City Council 8/12/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119551: related to creating a fund for Sweetened Beverage Tax revenues; Res 31897: calling for an end to the U.S. government's economic, commercial, and financial embargo against Cuba; Res 31893: relating to taxation; CB 119590: relating to taxation; CB 119602: financing of the Center City Streetcar Connector; Res 31895: Green New Deal for Seattle; Appointment to Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee; Res 31896: Comprehensive Plan Amendments; CB 119594: interpretations, corrections, and revisions of the Seattle Municipal Code; CB 119595: relating to the Technology Matching Fund; CB 119599: Cascade Public Media's Capitol Hill transmission site; CB 119572: amending Ordinance 125493 - 2018 Budget; CB 119574: acceptance of funds from non-City sources; CB 119575: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 Budget; CB 119576: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 Budget; CB 119573: amending Ordinance 125724 - 2019 Budget.
City Council 8/5/19
Agenda: Payment of Bills; CB 119582: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 119587: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 119588: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 119579: relating to City employment; CB 119589: relating to the City's criminal code; CF 314417: Seattle Police Chief 2018 Annual report; CF 314423: Chief of Police Audit Report; CB 119471: relating to land use and zoning; CB 119562: Seattle Children's Hospital street vacation petition; CB 119564: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 119581: relating to Seattle's Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program; Res 31892: expressing concern with the U.S. Navy's Northwest testing and training proposal.
City Council 7/29/19
Agenda: Payment of Bills; CB 119583: related to appropriations for the Office of Arts & Culture.
City Council 7/22/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119402: related to funding for the Equitable Development Initiative and affordable housing; CB 119551: related to creating a fund for Sweetened Beverage Tax revenues; CB 119537: relating to the sale of low-income housing;CB 119566: relating to Broad Street; CB 119549: relating to Seattle Center Department; CB 119543: relating to land use and zoning; CB 119569: granting a utility easement; CB 119570: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation; Reappointment of Jay A. Reich as member, Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees.
City Council 7/15/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointment of Robert Humes as Director, Seattle Department of Human Resources; CB 119550: 2019 Annual Action Plan; CB 119542: relating to contracting by the Human Services Department; Appointment to the Domestic Workers Standards Board.
City Council 7/8/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119560: acceptance of funds - RapidRide H Line project; CB 119563: grant funds from non-City sources - 2019-2024 CIP Projects; Appointments to Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board and Urban Forestry Commission.
City Council 7/1/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119558: relating to Festival Street designation of E Denny Way; CB 119553: relating to City employment; CB 119544: relating to land use and zoning; Reappointment to the Seattle LGBTQ Commission; CB 119552: related to Yesler Crescent Improvements; CB 119540: Ainsworth & Dunn Warehouse historic preservation; CB 119547: Community Service Officer program.
City Council 6/24/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119539: relating to Emergency Medical Services; CB 119546: related to rental housing inspections; CF 314413: temporary expansion of North Seattle Precinct; CB 119531: relating to housing for low-income households; Appointments and reappointments to Community Technology Advisory Board, Move Seattle Oversight Committee.
City Council 6/17/19
Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Appointments to Seattle Renters' Commission; CB 119541: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services.
City Council 6/10/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointment of Robert Wonsung Lee as Director, Office of Economic Development; CB 119504: relating to the Pike Place Market Historical District; CB 119507: relating to fair housing; Res 31887: adopting and approving an application for surplus federal property at Fort Lawton; CB 119535: relating to the Fort Lawton Redevelopment Plan Application; CB 119510: related to land use and zoning - Fort Lawton Army Reserve Center; Appointments; CB 119505: relating to land use and zoning: Ballard Neighborhood Design Guidelines; CB 119589: relating to land use and zoning: Seattle Pacific University; Appointments.
City Council 6/3/19
Agenda: Public Comment; CB 119513: relating to the City of Seattle's Paid Family Care Leave program; CB 119500: related to land use and zoning; CB 119528: relating to historic preservation - Seattle Tower; CB 119529: relating to historic preservation - Mount Baker Community Club Clubhouse; CB 119530: relating to historic preservation - UW Parrington Hall; Reappointments to Community Involvement Commission.
City Council 5/28/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Res 31889: in support of the right to bodily autonomy and the right to access a safe and legal abortion; Res 31890: affirming The City of Seattle's commitment to fostering a welcoming community; Res 31888: KeyArena tie-backs; Res 31886: General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; CB 119520: KR Westlake, LLC pedestrian sky bridge; CB 119521-6: street or alley rights-of-way; CB 119527: vacating the alley in Block 19; CB 119512: relating to the City's 2019 Budget; CF 314380: vacation of a portion of Northeast 48th Street; Appointment to the Seattle Transit Advisory Board; Appointment to the Sweetened Beverage Tax Advisory Board.
City Council 5/20/19
Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314425: 70th & Greenwood Ave, LLC rezone; CB 119511: 70th & Greenwood Ave, LLC rezone; CB 119515: relating to the Ship Canal Water Quality Project; Appointments to the Design Review Board; Appointments to the Seattle Planning Commission; Appointment to the Labor Standards Advisory Commission; Appointment to the Capitol Hill Housing Improvement Program Governing Council; Appointments to the Housing Levy Oversight Committee.