City Council

Full Council 9/17/2018
Full Council 9/17/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments; CB 119357: relating to the sale of lots in the Latona Addition; Appointments; CB 119351: relating to the Human Rights Code; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31835: Amtrak Utility Lines; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31816: related to The City of Seattle's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP); Res 31838: reaffirming City Council's commitment to workers and supporting dairy workers and their Fast for Reconciliation.


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Full Council 9/17/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments; CB 119357: relating to the sale of lots in the Latona Addition; Appointments; CB 119351: relating to the Human Rights Code; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31835: Amtrak Utility Lines; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31816: related to The City of Seattle's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP); Res 31838: reaffirming City Council's commitment to workers and supporting dairy workers and their Fast for Reconciliation.

Full Council 9/10/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119340: relating to the Seattle Park District; CB 119343: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; Res 31834: expressing The City of Seattle's opposition to offshore oil and gas drilling and exploration activities, including seismic airgun blasting.

Full Council 9/4/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments; CF 314366: Relating to parcel at 3050 61st Avenue Southwest; CB 119334: Ordinance relating to plat of "Alki 12" in King County; CB 119308: Ordinance relating to water services of Seattle Public Utilities; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31833: Resolution relating to the City Light Department.

Full Council 8/13/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointment of Carmen Y. Best as Seattle Police Chief; Res 31831: contract for Basic Life Support emergency services; CB 119330: relating to the Pike Place Market Historical District; CB 119310: relating to The City of Seattle's Voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan; CB 119312: relating to City employment; CB 119313: Second Quarter 2018 Employment Ordinance; CB 119328: relating to the Technology Matching Fund Program; CB 119304: Swedish Health Services pedestrian tunnel; CB 119326: East Howe Street vacation; CB 119327: University of Washington alley vacation; Res 31830: related to the Move Seattle Levy; Res 31832: relating to citizenship applications.

Full Council 8/6/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 31831: Wage and benefit standards for emergency medical technicians; CB 119317: relating to historic preservation - Century 21 Coliseum - KeyArena; CB 119318: relating to historic preservation - Bressi Garage; CB 119315: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - 920 Randolph Avenue; CB 119321: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - 2018 Budget; CB 119322: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - Orchard Street Ravine; CB 119311: relating to funding for housing and community development programs; CB 119319: relating to the City Light Department's Advanced Metering Infrastructure; Appointments and Reappointments; CF 314356 and CB 119323: Relating to land use and zoning - 70th & Greenwood. 

Full Council 7/30/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119305: relating to street and sidewalk use - Free-Floating Bike Share Program Fee Schedule; CB 119306: Delridge Multimodal Corridor Project; Res 31826: relating to the Seattle Center City Bike Network; CB 119298: relating to the Municipal Art Fund; CB 119309: relating to appropriations for the Office of Civil Rights; CB 119316: relating to the Human Rights Code; CB 119314: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - water easement; Res 31829: relating to the City Light Department - surplus properties; CF 314311: application of 5201 Rainier LLC - rezone; CB 119303: relating to land use and zoning - 5201 Rainier Ave S.

Full Council 7/23/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 31827: honorary designation of "Alan Sugiyama Way"; CB 119286: relating to employment in Seattle - Domestic Workers Standards Board; Reappointments to City Light Review Panel; CB 119299: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - Oiselle; CB 119301: Authorizing Parks and Recreation lease - Aquatic Lands; CB 119302: relating to the Central Waterfront Project - Seattle Aquarium; CB 119294: Development Agreement between City and Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority; Appointments to Seattle Design Review Board.

Full Council 7/16/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 31823: Resolution to initiate a SODO Parking and Business Improvement Area; Res 31824: Resolution relating to establishment of a SODO Parking and Business Improvement Area; Res 31825: Resolution relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119282: Ordinance relating to historic preservation of Shannon & Wilson Office Building; CB 119283: Ordinance relating to historic preservation of Eldridge Tire Company Building; CB 119284: Ordinance relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; Appointments.

Full Council 7/9/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Reappointment of Glen M. Lee, Director of Finance; Appointments; CB 119271: Authorizing acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119272: Relating to amending Ordinance 125493, which adopted 2018 Budget; CB 119273: Relating to City employment; CB 119274: Amending Ordinance 125475, which adopted 2018 Budget; CB 119266: Relating to the safe storage of and access to firearms; CB 119267: Relating to the reporting of lost or stolen firearms; Res 31819: Relating to the City Light Department; Adoption of other resolutions. 

Full Council 6/25/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119256: relating to the Seattle Transportation Benefit District; Reappointments to Seattle LGBTQ Commission, Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities; CB 119279: relating to elections; CB 119252: related to land use and zoning; CB 119285: relating to the Washington State Convention Center facility addition; CB 119290: relating to the Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement project; CB 119291: relating to parking; CB 119292: amending Ordinance 125471, which conditioned the Seattle Department of Transportation's 2018 grant applications; Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Freight Advisory Board; Other Resolutions.

Full Council 6/18/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119275: amending Ordinance 125493, which amended the 2018 Budget (Ordinance 125475); CB 119277: relating to noise control; CB 119269: relating to land use and zoning; CB 119258: relating to regular property taxes - Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise Levy; Other Resolutions: Res 31821: relating to education services.

Full Council Special Meeting 6/12/2018

Agenda: CB 119280: relating to taxation, repealing Ordinance 125578 (Employee Hours Tax).

Full Council 6/11/2018

Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119268: Ordinance relating to the renaming of plat "Madrona Glen" to "Madrona Glen Estates;" CB 119010: Ordinance relating to City-owned property under Seattle Department of Transportation; CB 119241: Ordinance relating to the Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program Phase II; CB 119255: Ordinance relating to vacating streets in South Lake Union area; Res 31814: Resolution relating to Seattle Department of Transportation and One Center City program; Appointments and reappointments, Other resolutions - Res 31820: relating to 2018 Special Olympics USA Games. 

Full Council 6/4/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119264: relating to the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games; CB 119263: repealing Ordinance 125442, which imposed a tax on short-term rental operators; Res 31817: superseding and replacing the language in Statement of Legislative Intent, 281-1-B-2, adopted in Resolution 31795; Res 31818: retired legislation.

Full Council 5/29/2018

Agenda: Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119260: Ordinance relating to civil legal aid services; CB 119253: Ordinance relating to Seattle Public Utilities; Appointment; CB 119261:  Ordinance relating to historic preservation of the Mount Zion Baptist Church; CB 119259: Ordinance relating to lease of warehouse facility at 1561 Alaskan Way South; Appointments. 

Full Council 5/21/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119254: relating to the Ethics Code; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31812: Seattle Central Waterfront Improvement District; Reappointments; CB 119248: amending the 2015 Seattle Building Code; Res 31809: Street Vacation Policies; CB 119234: Seattle Design Commission; CB 119237: related to land use and zoning; Res 31811: Equitable Development Agreements; Appointment.

Full Council 5/14/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Payment of Bills; CB 119234: related to the Seattle Design Commission; CB 119237: related to land use and zoning; Res 31809: adopting revised Street Vacation Policies; Res 31811: Equitable Development Agreements; Appointments; CB 119245: related to appropriations for Human Services Department; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119249: relating to a lease agreement with MB Warehouse, LLC; Reappointments; Public Comment; CB 119250: relating to taxation; Res 31810: establishing a spending plan for proceeds from a new business tax.

Full Council 5/7/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119240: relating to the Human Rights code; Reappointment; CF 314334: Washington State Convention Center alley vacation.

Full Council 4/30/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119243: amending ordinance 125544; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119238: relating to the City Light Department.

Full Council 4/23/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314327 and CB 119239: the plat of "Isola 15th"; CB 118214 relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - Woodland Park Lawn Bowling Club; CB 119223: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - Golden Gardens Bathhouse Concession; Appointments and Reappointments; Res 31806: adopting General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; Appointment; CB 119236: relating to low-income housing; Res 31807: relating to the Seattle Comprehensive Plan; CB 119227: Acorn Development LLC below-grade utility lines.

Full Council 4/16/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119231: Ordinance relating to General Manager & CEO of Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119233: Ordinance relating to the remediation of the South Park Landfill; Appointment; CF 314386: Relating to Chief of Police Audit Report of select files; CF 314389: Relating to Seattle Police Chief 2017 Annual report concerning activities regulated by Ordinance 108333. 

Full Council 4/9/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appt 00940: Appointment of Lily M. Wilson-Codega as Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations; Res 31808: Resolution relating to the for-hire transportation industry; CF 314274: Relating to a full unit lot subdivision application; CB 119230: Relating to ordinance approving and confirming the plat of "Madrona Glen;" CB 119200: Ordinance relating to land use and zoning; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119229: Ordinance relating to Sound Transit; CB 119224: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department; CB 119225: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department and the City's 2030 Challenge High Performance Existing Building Pilot; Appointment. 

Full Council 4/2/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 119221: Ordinance relating to land use and zoning; Appt 00928: Appointment of Martin S. Garfinkel as Director of the Office of Labor Standards; CB 119220: Ordinance relating to the Office of Labor Standards; Appointments & Reappointments. 

Full Council 3/26/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments; CB 119215: Ordinance relating to State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program; CF 314364: Petition relating to North Block Spring Street Development LLC; Appointments; Res 31805: Resolution relating to opposition of concealed carry reciprocity.

Full Council 3/19/2018

Agenda: Presentations (Swearing-in of Ryan Vancil, Hearing Examiner); Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119193: relating to City employment; CB 119191: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; CB 119210: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - water facility easements; CB 119211: relating to Seattle Public Utilities accepting easements; CB 119212: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - sewer and storm drain easements; CB 119213: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - easements; Res 31802: regarding a civil legal aid project; Appointments; CB 119198: relating to fair housing; Appointments and reappointments; CB 119149: relating to the Human Services Department - Seattle-King County Area Agency on Aging; Res 31804: Washington State Convention Center alley vacation.