City Council

Full Council Special Meeting 6/6/2017
Full Council Special Meeting 6/6/2017

Agenda: Res 31756: relating to contracted indebtedness.


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Full Council Special Meeting 6/6/2017

Agenda: Res 31756: relating to contracted indebtedness.

Full Council 6/5/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118965: imposing a tax on engaging in the business of distributing sweetened beverages.

Full Council 5/30/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118963: youth service center, CB 118968: relating to the use of federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds, CB 118973: relating to historic preservation, Appointments to the Community Involvement Commission, Appointments to the Seattle LGBTQ Commission, CB 118976: relating to the Seattle Center Department.

Full Council 5/22/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118972: relating to the City employment and the First Quarter 2017 Employment Ordinance, Appointments to the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, the Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority Council, and the Burke-Gilman Place Preservation and Development Authority Council, CB 118969: relating to civilian oversight of the police, CB 118908: amending a previous ordinance which adopted the 2017 Budget, CB 118761: relating to a public safety bill of rights for the Seattle public, CB 118977: relating to the 2017 Budget, Res 31742: relating to construction approval for private communication conduits.

Full Council Special Meeting 5/17/2017

Agenda: Res 3175: relating to contracting indebtedness.

Full Council 5/15/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Committee Reports, CB 118954: relating to the City Light Department, Appointments and Reappointments.

Full Council 5/8/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Committee Reports, Res 31746: supporting the bid of The City of Seattle to host the National League of Cities 2021/2024 City Summit conference, CB 118949: amending a prior ordinance which adopted the 2016 Budget, CB 118950 and CB 118952: amending prior ordinances which adopted the 2017 Budget, CB 118951: authorizing, in 2017, acceptance of funding from non-City sources, CB 118961: relating to funding for housing and community development programs, CB 118962: relating to housing for low-income households, CB 118964: allowing the United States to use and occupy space at the Fort Lawton Army Reserve, Res 31744: relating to the Seattle Sister Cities Program, Appointments to the Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee, International Special Review District Board, and Construction Codes Advisory Board, CB 118956: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118957: relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds, Res 31749: amending a prior resolution.

Full Council 5/1/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments to the Labor Standards Advisory Commission, Res 31747: intent to adopt a progressive income tax targeting high-income households.

Full Council 4/24/2017

Public Comment, CF 314375: Street vacation, Appointments to the Seattle Transit Advisory Board, Seattle-King County Aging and Disability Services Advisory Council, and Seattle Design Review Board, Adoption of other resolutions.

Full Council 4/17/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118946: relating to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, CF 314376: documents relating to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, CB 118943: relating to appropriations for the Human Services Department, Appt 00610: Appointment of Michael L. Reichert as member, Seattle Indian Services Commission Governing Council, CB 118944: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, CB 118947: relating to the drainage and wastewater system of The City of Seattle.

Full Council 4/10/2017

Public Comment, CB 118940: mandatory affordable housing in Downtown and South Lake Union, CB 118942: amending ordinance 125248, Res 31741: retiring Council Bills, Clerk Files, Resolutions, and Appointments, CB 118937: relating to the development of Yesler Terrace by the Housing Authority, CB 118936: relating to a lease agreement for office space, Appointments to the Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Council, CB 118935: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; updating provisions relating to Seattle recycling requirements, Appointments to the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee and Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee.

Full Council 4/3/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Committee Reports, Res 31740: stating the Seattle City Council opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline and intention to create contracting criteria for the future, CB 118932: authorizing the CEO/General Manager of Seattle Public Utilities to amend the contract with Waste Management.

Full Council 3/27/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118932: authorizing Seattle Public Utilities to amend the contract with Waste Management, Res 31739: expressing the City of Seattle's commitment to being a more age-friendly city, Appointments and Reappointments to the Urban Forestry Commission, CF 314331: rezone application of Mariner on Republican , CB 118934: relating to land use and zoning, Appointments and Reappointments to the Seattle Planning Commission.

Full Council 3/20/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Committee Reports, CB 118921: establishing a Seattle Renters' Commission, CB 118926 and 118927: Mercy Housing, Reappointments to the Landmarks Preservation Board, Appointments to the Labor Standards Advisory Commission and Seattle Arts Commission.

Full Council 3/13/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CF 314115: rezone at 743 N. 35th Street, CB 118928: relating to land use and zoning at 743 N. 35th Street, Res 31738: Equality Act, Appointments and reappointments, CB 118923: relating to Sound Transit, CB 118924: deeds for street or alley purposes, Appointments and reappointments to Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board.

Full Council 3/6/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118893: relating to land use and zoning, CB 118620: relating to the West Seattle Stadium, Reappointments, CB 118915: relating to the Office of Labor Standards.

Full Council 2/27/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Res 31735: 2017 Work Program, CB 118919: appropriations for Human Services Dept., Appointments and Reappointments, CB 118904: appropriations for the Seattle IT Dept., Appointments and Reappointments.

Full Council 2/21/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118914: relating to land use and zoning, Res 31732: recognizing the University District Urban Design Framework, Res 31733: requesting evaluation of residential displacement, Res 31734: adopting Statements of Legislative Intent, CB 118916: relating to the financing of affordable housing, CB 118917: relating to the City Treasury, Appointments to the Landmark Preservation Board and Seattle Park District, CB 118912: relating to the City Light Department and the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118903: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, Appointment to Seattle Women's Commission, Res 31736: relating to the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Appointment to Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee, Res 31737: requesting Congress to allocate funding to adequately address the maintenance needs of the National Park System.

Full Council 2/13/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Committee Reports, CB 118910: relating to City employment, CB 118909: relating to fees and charges for permits and activities of the Department of Construction and Inspections.

Full Council Special Meeting 2/7/2017

Presentations, Public Comment, CB 118905: relating to divesting from Wells Fargo Bank, CF 314368: documents relating to Wells Fargo Bank, Res 31731: Mount Baker McClellan Street Redevelopment Opportunity Zone, Appointments and Reappointments.

Full Council 1/30/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Res 31730: affirming the City of Seattle as a Welcoming City,  Committee Reports, CB 118901: relating to the City Light Department, CB 118853: relating to environmentally critical area regulations and the State Environmental Protection Act, CB 118895: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, Appointments and Reappointments, CB 118899: relating to the City's traffic code, CB 118900: relating to the city's criminal code, CB 118894: modifying the use of the open space improvements, CB 118896: amending the Seattle Municipal Code, CB 118897: easements.

Full Council 1/23/2017

Agenda: Public Comment and Committee Reports.

Full Council 1/17/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118870: City's Tolt Water Transmission Pipeline right-of-way , Appointments to the Seattle Music Commission and Seattle Human Rights Commission.

Full Council Special Meeting 1/11/2017

Agenda: Res 31726: Relating to Water System Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Res 31727: Repealing Res 31708, Res 31728: Relating to Municipal Light and Power Revenue Bonds.

Full Council 1/9/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Committee Reports, Appt 00561 & Appt 00562: Seattle Municipal Court Judge Appointments, Appt 00564: Reappointment of Sam Pailca as a member of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, CB 118887: relating to City employment and the "Fourth Quarter 2016 Employment Ordinance," CB 118888: relating to the sale of City property at 12705 30th Ave Northeast for multifamily development, CB 118889: authorizing the Director of Finance to extend and modify a lease agreement between The City and KBS SOR Central Building, LLC, Appt 00533: Appointment of Steven Treffers as a member of the Landmarks Preservation Board.