City Council
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Committee Reports, Appt 00561 & Appt 00562: Seattle Municipal Court Judge Appointments, Appt 00564: Reappointment of Sam Pailca as a member of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, CB 118887: relating to City employment and the "Fourth Quarter 2016 Employment Ordinance," CB 118888: relating to the sale of City property at 12705 30th Ave Northeast for multifamily development, CB 118889: authorizing the Director of Finance to extend and modify a lease agreement between The City and KBS SOR Central Building, LLC, Appt 00533: Appointment of Steven Treffers as a member of the Landmarks Preservation Board.
Full Council 1/9/2017
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Committee Reports, Appt 00561 & Appt 00562: Seattle Municipal Court Judge Appointments, Appt 00564: Reappointment of Sam Pailca as a member of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, CB 118887: relating to City employment and the "Fourth Quarter 2016 Employment Ordinance," CB 118888: relating to the sale of City property at 12705 30th Ave Northeast for multifamily development, CB 118889: authorizing the Director of Finance to extend and modify a lease agreement between The City and KBS SOR Central Building, LLC, Appt 00533: Appointment of Steven Treffers as a member of the Landmarks Preservation Board.
Full Council 1/3/2017
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CB 118880: acquiring property at 4451 33rd Ave W, Appt 00555: appointing Vaughnetta J. Barton to the Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees.
Full Council Special Meeting 12/16/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments and Reappointments, Res 31725: recognizing significant contributions to support homeless services in the City of Seattle, CB 118875: authorizing funding from non-City sources, CB 118874: amending the adoption of the 2016 Budget, CB 118882: relating to the 2016 Budget, CB 118881: relating to housing and the First in Time provision, CF 314239: relating to a full unit lot subdivision application, CB 118876: approving and confirming the "Fremont on the Ave" plat, CB 118869: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, CB 118873: adding "Queer" to the name of the Seattle LGBT commission, CB 118878: relating to Seattle Public Utilities and the City of Kenmore, CB 118854: relating to land use and zoning, CB 118799, CB 118879, & CB 118800: relating to the City Light Department, CB 118790 & CB 118791: relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation.
Full Council 12/12/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118817: relating to residential rental properties and move-in fees and deposits, CB 118871: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Office of the Waterfront, Appt 00531: the Appointment of David A. Goldberg as a member of the Seattle Planning Commission, CB 118872: vacating the alley in Block 14, CB 118789: vacating the remaining north forty feet of the alley in Block 18, CB 118792: relating to street and sidewalk use and the Play Street program, Appt 00554: the Appointment of Sandy Wolf as a member of the Ballard Avenue Landmark District Board, Res 31724: reaffirming Seattle's values of inclusion, respect, and justice, and the City's commitment toward actions to reinforce these values.
Full Council 11/28/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Res 317223: setting forth the City of Seattle's 2017 State Legislative Agenda, CB 118859: relating to the historic preservation of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Garfield Exchange, CB 118860: relating to the historic preservation of Volunteer Park, CB 118861: relating to the historic preservation of the University Heights School, CB 118863: relating to funding policies for the Homelessness Prevention and Housing Stability Services Program, Res 31722: relating to the 2016 Housing Levy Oversight Committee, Appointments and Reappointments.
Full Council 11/21/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, items relating to the 2017/2018 Proposed Budget and 2017-2022 Proposed Capital Improvement Program. CB 118842, CB 118843, CF 314360, CF 314361, CB 118827, CB 118829, CB 118830, CB 118855, CB 118847, CB 118848, CB 118838, CB 118836, CB 118835, CB 118841, CB 118850, CB 118844, CB 118834, Res 31718, CB 118864, CB 118826, CB 118840, CB 118825, CB 118833, CB 118845, CB 118831, CB 118832, Res 31717, Res 31720, CB 118856, CB 118846, CB 118839, CB 118837, CB 118851, CF 314362, CB 118849, Res 31719.
Full Council 11/14/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Res 31721: city's Disaster Recovery Framework, CF 31485 and CB 118857: Valley Street Townhomes.
Full Council 11/07/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118823: relating to the execution of a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Seattle and the Seattle Parking Enforcement Officers' Guild, and CB 118824: relating to the sick leave cash-out upon retirement for the Assistant Fire Chief.
Full Council 10/31/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118798: Relating to Seattle City Light and the California ISO's Energy Imbalance Market.
Full Council 10/24/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Labor Standards Advisory Commission Appointment.
Full Council 10/17/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31713: Relating to Urban Migratory Bird Treaty, Res 31715: Supporting Washington Initiative Measure 735, Res 31716: Relating to the Roanoke/R.H. Thomson Expressway, CB: 118817 Relating to Residential Rental Properties, CB 118683: Amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan.
Full Council 10/10/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CB 118798: Relating to City Light, CB 118802: Relating to sale of electricity, Res 31714: Climate Action Plan.
Full Council 10/3/2016
Agenda: CB 118747: Ballard Parking and Business Improvement Area, CB 118748: West Seattle Junction Parking and Business Improvement Area, CB 118770: Mount Baker Park Presbyterian Church, CB 118804: City employment, CB 118812: Third Quarter 2016 Employment Ordinance, CB 118814: Federal Center South Complex, Capitol Hill Housing Improvement Program Council Appointment, Seattle Youth Commission Appointments, CB 118776: Seattle Fuel Gas Code, CB 118777: Seattle Plumbing Code, CB 118778: Seattle Existing Building Code, CB 118779: Seattle Energy Code, CB 118780: Seattle Residential Code, CB 118781: Seattle Building Code, CB 118782: Seattle Mechanical Code, CB 118783: Living Building Pilot Program, CB 118771: appropriations for the Office of Arts & Culture, CB 118760: Ship Canal Water Quality Project, CB 118805: recyclable paper bags, CB 118806: University Village, Res 31712: Green Jobs.
Full Council 9/26/2016
Agenda: Mayor Murray presents his 2017 and 2018 Proposed Budgets, Public Comment, Appointment and Oath of Office of Mami Hara as Director of Seattle Public Utilities, CB 118807-11: collective bargaining agreement, Res 31705: I-5 East Duwamish Greenbelt, CB 118785: land use and zoning, Res 31710: Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan Update, Res 31711: Equitable Development Implementation Plan and Equitable Development Financial Investment Strategy, CB 118773: North Fork Tolt River Watershed, CB 118774: Port of Seattle Drainage Utility, CB 118775: Washington State Public Works Board loan, CB 118772: Seattle Fire Code, CB 118796: Swedish skybridge, CB 118815: speed limits, CF 314320: vacation of the alley, Res 31696: Mayor's Drive Clean Seattle initiative, Res 31700: Swedish tunnel, Res 31706: Seattle Freight Master Plan, CB 118797: Madison Valley Park Foundation, Appointments to Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees.
Full Council 9/19/2016
Agenda: Presentations, Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CB 118765: secure scheduling requirements, CB 118801: Net Wholesale Revenue targets, CF 314324: Brooklyn 50 LLC Rezone, CB 118784: Rezone 5001 Brooklyn Ave NE, CF 314312: Rezone 2220 E. Union St, CB 118785: Land use and zoning at 2220 East Union St, CB 118772: Seattle Fire Code, CB 118796: Swedish pedestrian skybridge, Res 31696: regarding the City's transportation sector, Res 31700: Swedish pedestrian tunnel, Res 31706: Seattle Freight Master Plan.
Full Council Special Meeting 9/14/2016
Agenda: Res 31707-8: A RESOLUTION relating to contracting indebtedness; confirming, ratifying and approving certain terms of the issuance and sale of The City of Seattle, Washington, Municipal Light and Power Revenue Bonds.
Full Council 9/12/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CB 118793: Relating to regulation of the for-hire industry, Res 31701: calling for a special election for Civil Service Commission, Res 31702: Supporting Initiative Measure 1491, Res 31703: Supporting Initiative Measure 1433, Res 31704: supporting Sound Transit Proposition 1, Appointments, Res 31709: Support of Standing Rock Sioux, CB 118768: Relating to historic preservation Gaslight Inn, CB 118769: Relating to historic preservation J.W. Bullock House, CB 118786: 2016 Citywide Position List, CB 118787: Sand Point, CB 118788: Disposition of property Yesler-Atlantic.
Full Council 9/6/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Reappointment to Office of Hearing Examiner, CB 118764: Technology Matching Fund Program, CB 118751: funding from non-City sources, CB 118752: 2016 Budget, CB 118759: Neighborhood matching fund, 118762: transferable development rights, Appointments, Res 31691: Grant funding assistance - ALEA, Res 31692: Grant funding assistance - WWRP, Res 31693: Grant funding assistance - YAF, Appointment, CB 118693: relating to land use and zoning, CF314341: Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station
Full Council 8/15/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31695: City of Seattle Initiative Measure 124, CB 118754: Relating to Seattle Sister Cities, CB 118736: Related to land use and zoning, Appointments to Pike Place Market Historical Commission, CB 118739 and CB 118740: Relating to solid waste rates and taxes, CB 118745: Relating to grants from non-City sources, Appointments and reappointments to Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities and Seattle Music Commission, Res 31694: Strategic Business Plan Update, Res 31697: alley vacation, Res 31698: Related to North Precinct.
Full Council 8/8/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31690: Designation of Ernestine Anderson Way, CB 118755: Relating to Open Housing Ordinance, CF 314315 and CB 118750: Relating to rezoning on Dexter Ave N, CB 118675: Relating to rezoning in Lake City Urban Village, Res 31682: Comprehensive Plan amendments, CB 118731: historic preservation of The Theodora, CB 118737, Res 31688, Res 31689: Seattle City Employees' Retirement System, CF 314304: Swedish Health alley vacation, Res 31681: Equity and Environment agenda, CB 118732: Relating to city streets, CB 118733: Relating to Sound Transit, CB 118725: Relating to Dept of Parks and Recreation.
Full Council 8/1/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31685 and 31686: Ballard Parking and Business Improvement Area, Res 31687: West Seattle Junction Parking and Business Improvement Area, CB 118746: related to human rights, CB 118719: related to Municipal Arts Fund, Appointments and reappointments to Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities, Seattle Arts Commission, and Seattle Women's Commission.
Full Council 7/25/2016
Agenda: Presentations, Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CF 314352: Report of the City Clerk, Res 31683: voter-proposed Initiative Measure, Res 31678: City Light Strategic Plan, Appointment to Office of Intergovernmental Relations, CB 118712: relating to for-hire industry, Appointment to Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee, CB 118715: Business License Tax Certificate Fee, CB 118716: Business License Tax rates, CB 118726: Mercer Arena, CB 118730: Central Waterfront Project, CB 118735: Westlake Park and Occidental Square, CB 118674: Bitter Lake Village Hub Urban Village, CB 118721: Next Generation Intelligent Transportation System, CB 118723: Department of Transportation surplus, CB 118724: Easements, CB 118734 Greenwood public art
Full Council 7/18/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, CB 118728: Relating to City employment, CB118727: Relating to Seattle Music Commission, Appointments to Seattle Human Rights Commission and Pike Place Market Historical Commission, Adoption of Other Resolutions and Other Business
Full Council 7/11/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31680: Swedish Health Services vacation, CB 118718: 2016 Budget, CB 118713: Pacific Place Garage sale, CB118717: City's Limited Tax General Obligation Improvement and Refunding Bonds, Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Design Review Board.
Full Council 7/5/2016
Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, City Light purchase for Boundary Hydroelectric Project, other resolutions.