City Council

Full Council Special Meeting 5/3/2012
Full Council Special Meeting 5/3/2012
Agenda: Res. 31378, Mayoral Proclamation of Civil Emergency

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Full Council Special Meeting 5/3/2012
Agenda: Res. 31378, Mayoral Proclamation of Civil Emergency
Full Council Special Meeting 5/2/2012
Agenda Items: Bond Sales
Full Council 4/30/2012
Agenda Items: City Light rate setting objectives, business license tax, Broad Street, Elliott Bay Seawall Replacement bond measure, lower Cedar River restoration, Bullitt Center, Pedestrian Advisory Board.
Full Council 4/23/2012
Agenda Items: building exterior preservation, UW sewer facility easements, business license tax.
Full Council 4/16/2012
Agenda Items: City Employees` Retirement System, Commercial 2 zone or Industrial Buffer zone, First Hill Streetcar project, Seattle Transit Master Plan.
Full Council 4/9/2012
Agenda Items: Sound Transit`s Lynnwood Link Extension Project, horse-drawn carriages, historic preservation, protecting public breastfeeding, Report of the Police Intelligence Auditor, Alternate Citizen Observer Report, Cascade People`s Center, Library Levy.
Full Council 4/2/2012
Agenda Items: 2011 Annual Report of the Office of the Hearing Examiner, overhead and underground electrical rights in King County, North Beacon Hill Residential Urban Village, Othello Residential Urban Village, Seattle Comprehensive Plan, Seattle Planning Commission, Seattle Design Commission, 2012 work program for the Office of Housing.
Full Council 3/26/2012
Agenda Items: Transfer sewer infrastructure to King County, historic preservation, Seattle Investment Fund LLC Advisory Board, Human Rights Commission, Citizens` Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board, Retiring Introduced and referred Council Bills, Resolutions, and Clerk Files.
Full Council 3/19/2012
Agenda Items: US Department of Justice grant funds, Harborview tunnels, Bicycle Master Plan.
Full Council 3/12/2012
Agenda Items: Executive Director of the Civil Service Commission and of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, US Department of Justice Grants, Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking Initiative.
Full Council 3/5/2012
Agenda Items: Neighborhood Equitable Transit Oriented Development Initiative, Westlake Park, Seattle Streetcar, North Downtown electrical substation, Boards and Commissions Appointments, 2011 Families and Education Levy.
Full Council 2/27/2012
Agenda Items: Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar, Payment of Bills, Committee Reports, Seattle Arts Commission Re appointments, Adoption of other Resolutions
Full Council 2/21/2012
Agenda Items: Mayor`s 2012 Sate of the City Address, University Presbyterian Church rezone, Street and sidewalk use, King Street Station Rehabilitation, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, District energy systems, Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission, Pressentin Creek, Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee, 2012 Adopted Budget, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission, Seattle LGBT Commission, Seattle Human Rights Commission, Seattle Board of Park Commissioners.
Full Council 2/13/2012
Agenda Items: Central Link Light Rail Project, Commission and Boards Appointments.
Full Council 2/6/2012
Agenda Items: Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, Seattle Women`s Commission Re/appointments, Belltown Community Center.
Full Council 1/30/2012
Agenda Items: Station Area Overlay District in Roosevelt, Roosevelt Residential Urban Village, East Cherry Street skybridge, pump station, Federal/State Transportation Demand Management Program, Energy conservation target for 2012-2013, Capitol Hill Housing Improvement Program Council Appointment, 2009 Housing Levy Oversight Committee Appointment, vacation of a portion of Westlake Avenue.
Full Council 1/23/2012
Agenda Items: Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee Re appointments.
Full Council 1/17/2012
Agenda Items: Central Waterfront Committee Appointments, Bridge Rehabilitation, NE 45th Street Viaduct project, Seattle Planning Commission Appointments.
Full Council 1/9/2012
Agenda Items: Councilmembers` Oaths of Office, 2012-2013 Council President Election, President Pro Tem, 2012-2013 committee structure.