City Council
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Reconsideration of CB 120119, vetoed by the mayor: an ordinance relating to employment in Seattle; CB 120258: accepting the deed to certain real property (Seattle Public Library).
City Council 1/25/22
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Reconsideration of CB 120119, vetoed by the mayor: an ordinance relating to employment in Seattle; CB 120258: accepting the deed to certain real property (Seattle Public Library).
City Council 1/18/22
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 32038: Resolution relating to Seattle City Councilmember participation on external committees; Res 32039: Resolution supporting Seattle School District's Prop. 1 and Prop. 2.
City Council 1/11/22
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills.
City Council 1/4/22
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Election of 2022 - 2023 Council President; Presentations - oath of office administered to newly elected councilmembers; Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120245: relating to the Seattle Fire Department's fire prevention services; Appointment and Reappointments to Community Police Commission, Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council; CB 120230: relating to City Light Department, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, and Seattle Department of Transportation - properties in Georgetown neighborhood; Res 32036: designating the monthly President Pro Tem of the City Council; Res 32037: Establishing standing committees of the council.
City Council 12/13/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120242: relating to City employment - memorandum of understanding between The City of Seattle and certain City unions; CB 120243: relating to City employment - providing salary increases for 2022; CB 120244 - 2022 Pay Zone Ordinance; CB 120184: relating to City employment - establishing Juneteenth as a legal holiday; CB 120246: relating to the City's traffic code; Res 32032: setting forth The City of Seattle's 2022 State Legislative Agenda; CB 120119: relating to employment in Seattle - hazard pay; CB 120238: relating to funding for housing - 2021 Annual Action Plan; CB 120227: related to street vacations; Appointments and Reappointments to Domestic Workers Standards Board, Burke Gilman Public Development Authority Governing Council, Community Roots Housing Public Development Authority Governing Council, Seattle Housing Authority Board; Res 32029: adopting General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; CB 120215: relating to land use review decision procedures; CB 120239: relating to Seattle's construction codes; CB 120206: relating to land use and zoning - Mobile Home Park Overlay District; CB 120214: relating to land use and zoning - Neighborhood Residential zones; CB 120235: relating to historic preservation - 802 16th Avenue; CB 120164: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - Woodland Park Zoo; CB 120188: creating an Indigenous Advisory Council; Res 32034: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation - State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO); CB 120248: relating to City employment - Fire Chief; CB 120247: relating to the organization of City government - City Attorney's Office; Res 32033: intent to consider strategies to ensure that all unreinforced masonry buildings in Seattle are seismically retrofitted; CB 120241: relating to human rights; Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Human Rights Commission, Seattle Women's Commission, Seattle Disability Commission, Seattle LGBTQ Commission; Res 32035: Crown Hill Urban Village Action Plan.
City Council 12/6/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120213: relating to land use and zoning, includes public hearing; CB 120236: relating to City streets - Lenny Wilkens Way; CB 120231: relating to City employment - collective bargaining agreement; CB 120237: relating to City employment - Fourth Quarter 2021 Employment Ordinance; CB 120233: relating to the City Light Department - Rate Stabilization Account in 2021; Res 32031: ratifying the 2021 Update to the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed or Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA 9) Salmon Habitat Plan, Making Our Watershed Fit for a King; Res 32030: relating to the City Light Department - biennial energy conservation target; Appointments to Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board, Seattle Transit Advisory Board, Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee.
City Council 11/29/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120225: relating to the City Light Department - emergency bill assistance program; CB 120226: relating to Seattle Public Utilities' Emergency Assistance Program; CB 120232: relating to City employment - PROTEC17 Office of Emergency Management unit collective bargaining agreement.
City Council 11/22/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120210: real property lease renewal at the Fort Lawton Army Reserve Center; CB 120220: acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 120221: amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget, including the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); CB 120040: amending Ordinance 126000, which adopted the 2020 Budget, including the 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); Res 32026: requesting King County and the State of Washington to increase services to address behavioral health conditions; Res 32027: modifying the Mayoral Civil Emergency Order of October 29, 2021, related to hiring incentives for public safety emergency response; Res 32028: concerning the health, well-being, and safety of domestic workers; CF 314487: 2022 Proposed Budget; CF 314486: 2022-2027 Proposed Capital Improvement Program; CB 120189: relating to the 2022 Budget; Res 32024: adopting revised financial policies for the Emergency Fund; CB 120190: relating to fees and charges; CB 120191: relating to street and sidewalk use; CB 120192: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 120193: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR); CB 120194: relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds; CB 120195: relating to the financing of the Finance and Administrative Services Fund; CB 120198: relating to contracting indebtedness; CB 120224: relating to contracting indebtedness; CB 120196: relating to the electric system of The City of Seattle; CB 120197: relating to the drainage and wastewater system of The City of Seattle; CB 120199: relating to the municipal water system of The City of Seattle; CB 120200: relating to the Office of Housing; Res 32022: approving interest rates set by the Seattle City Employees' Retirement System (SCERS) Board of Administration for 2022; Res 32023: amending Resolution 31334; establishing the City Council's intent to fund the Seattle City Employees' Retirement System (SCERS); CB 120201: relating to City funds; CB120202: relating to the Traffic Code; CB 120223: relating to the financing of the Transportation Fund; CB 120228: relating to taxation - commercial parking tax; CB 120222: relating to the financing of the General Fund; CB 120211: adopting a budget, including a capital improvement program and position modifications, for The City of Seattle for 2022; CF 314488: City Council Changes to the 2022 Proposed Budget and the 2022 - 2027 Proposed Capital Improvement Program; CB 120203: relating to the levy of property taxes; CB 120204: authorizing the levy of regular property taxes by The City of Seattle for collection in 2022.
City Council 11/15/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314367: Application to rezone - 14302 30th Ave NE; CB 120216: relating to land use and zoning - 14302 30th Ave NE and portions of 14330 30th Ave NE; CF 314459: Petition of Grand Street Commons LLC for alley vacation; CB 120218: relating to property at Sand Point.
City Council 11/8/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Public Hearing on CF 314459 - Grand Street Alley Vacation; Payment of Bills.
City Council 11/1/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments to Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners.
City Council 10/18/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointments to Seattle Renters' Commission.
City Council 10/11/21
Pursuant to Washington State Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.15 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402, this public meeting will be held remotely. Meeting participation is limited to access by the telephone number provided on the meeting agenda, and the meeting is accessible via telephone and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120186: relating to City employment, authorizing the execution of agreements between The City of Seattle and certain City unions.
City Council 10/4/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120182: relating to the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance; Res 32021: declaring that the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of anyone engaging in entheogen-related activities should be among The City of Seattle's lowest law enforcement priorities and stating the Council's support for full decriminalization of these activities; Res 32020: Setting a public hearing; Appointments and reappointments to Seattle Planning Commission, Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council; CB 120181: transfer of development rights from Pierce and Snohomish Counties to Seattle; CB 120155: relating to land use and zoning - Neighborhood Residential; CB 120154: relating to land use and zoning - Seattle Comprehensive Plan; CB 120149: relating to land use and zoning - minimum parking requirements for indoor sports and recreation uses.
City Council 9/27/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314485: Mayor Jenny A. Durkan's Budget Address on the 2022 Budget; CB 120157: relating to affordable housing on properties owned or controlled by religious organizations; Appointments and Reappointments to Pioneer Square Preservation Board; CB 119585: relating to residential rental properties; CB 120173: relating to relocation assistance for economically displaced tenants; CB 120162: establishing a new 15th Avenue East Business Improvement Area (BIA); Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Women's Commission; CB 120153: relating to land use and zoning - small lots in Downtown Mixed Residential; CB 120178: amending 2021 Budget.
City Council 9/20/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Public Hearing - CB 120157: relating to affordable housing on properties owned or controlled by religious organizations; Payment of Bills; Appointment to Families, Education, Preschool and Promise Levy Oversight Committee; Reappointment of David G. Jones as City Auditor; CB 120172: relating to City employment; CB 120142: relating to the Seattle Police Department; Res 32019: honorary designation of "Lenny Wilkens Way"; CB 120160: relating to City Light Department - Renewable Plus Program; CB 120170: relating to City Light Department - Skagit Habitat Enhancement Program; CB 120174: granting permission to the Board of Regents of the University of Washington to continue to operate and maintain an existing underground pedestrian concourse tunnel; CB 120161: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - updating water regulations; CB 120175: authorizing Seattle Public Utilities to execute agreements for projects and programs that prevent water pollution; CB 120171: relating to surveillance technology implementation - Seattle Fire Department's use of Emergency Scene Cameras and Hazardous Materials Cameras; CB 120156: relating to the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; Res 32017: calling for research, engagement and presentation of information to the Mayor and City Council on the Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) program prior to considering renewal of the program in 2023; CB 120163: relating to City of Seattle right-of-way along the Central Waterfront; Reappointments to Seattle Indian Services Commission.
City Council 9/13/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120119: relating to employment in Seattle (Item held indefinitely); CB 120111: authorizing, in 2021, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 120112: amending the 2021 Budget, including the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); CB 120165: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; Reappointments to Community Roots Housing Public Development Authority Governing Council; CB 120138: relating to the Terminal 5 Quiet Zone Improvements; CB 120159: relating to grant funds from the United States Department of Transportation and other non-City sources; CB 120128: relating to drainage services of Seattle Public Utilities; CB 120129: relating to wastewater services of Seattle Public Utilities; CB 120130: relating to rates and charges for water services of Seattle Public Utilities; Res 32016: relating to the University of Washington Husky Stadium Transportation Management Plan; Reappointments to Seattle Freight Advisory Board, Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board, Seattle Transit Advisory Board.
City Council 8/16/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314482: Office of City Auditor extension request - reports on Seattle Department of Transportation Surveillance Technology Usage on License Plate Reader (LPR) technology and Closed Circuit Television Traffic Cameras (CCTV) technology; CF 314483: Seattle Information Technology Department extension request - Group 4 Surveillance Impact Report (SIR) report; CF 314484: Revised Master List of Technologies; CB 120144: relating to City employment, adopting a 2021 Citywide Position List; Appointment of Jeffrey G. Berry as member, Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee; CB 120105: relating to Seattle Police Department - banning the ownership, purchase, rent, storage, or use of less lethal weapons; CB 120148: relating to parking enforcement - transferring positions out of Seattle Police Department; CB 120121: relating to land use and zoning - occupancy of street-level spaces downtown; Appointments and reappointments to Seattle Women's Commission, Seattle Music Commission, Seattle Human Rights Commission, Cultural Space Agency Public Development Authority Governing Council; Res 32018: supporting the creation of a United States Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools and other actions to address the lasting harm of Indian boarding schools.
City Council 8/9/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120151: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; CB 120119: relating to employment in Seattle (held until 9/13/2021); CB 120150: related to the City's response to the COVID-19 crisis; CB 120131: amending 2021 Budget; CB 120147: relating to the financing of the General Fund; CB 120139: Seattle Arena Company, LLC permit for tunnel; CB 120140: Seattle Parks and Recreation acquisition - 3638 34th Ave S.; CB 120141: Seattle Parks and Recreation acquisition - 1024 S. Elmgrove St.; CB 120145: naming a pedestrian and bicycle bridge - John Lewis Memorial Bridge; CB 120133: Swedish Health Services - pedestrian tunnel; CB 120134: Swedish Health Services - pedestrian skybridge; CF 314477: Swedish Health Services alley vacation; CB 120135: ARE-SEATTLE NO. 33, LLC permit to operate below-grade private utility lines; CB 120136: Acorn Development LLC alley vacation; CB 120137: Acorn Development LLC alley vacation; CB 120146: relating to City Light Department accepting Statutory Warranty Deeds; CF 314451: Seattle City Light street vacation; Res 32015: regarding the impact of Seattle's Urban Renewal program; Res 32013: initiate a 15th Avenue East Business Improvement Area; Res 32014: Res 32014: intention to establish a 15th Avenue East Business Improvement Area.
City Council 8/2/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CF 314480: Report of the City Clerk - City Charter Amendment No. 29; Res 32012: regarding the voter-proposed City Charter Amendment 29; CB 120108: relating to redevelopment at the Yesler Terrace Master Planned Community; Res 32010: identifying proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments; Res 32011: approving the 2021-2026 revision to the Seattle All-Hazards Mitigation Plan; CB 120109: relating to City finances.
City Council 7/26/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120126: relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation and Walt Hundley Playfield; CF 314479: relating to Designation of Facial Recognition; CF 314456: regarding application of Isola Real Estate VI, LLC; CB 120127: relating to "The Pines at Northgate"; Appointments and reappointments; CB 120115: related to parking rates for large events of at least 10,000 attendees; Appointments and reappointments.
City Council 7/19/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120123: relating to taxation - heating oil; CB 120113: relating to the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; CB 120118: related to creating a fund for Payroll Expense Tax revenues; CB 120120: relating to City employment of public records officers; CB 120124: relating to the organization of City government.
City Council 7/12/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Res 32009: honorary designation of "Clarence Acox Jr. Way"; CB 120103: relating to the City Light Department and the Georgetown Steam Plant Community Development Authority; Res 32007: related to City Light Department's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan; CB 120117: relating to City Finances; Appointments to Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, International Special Review District Board; CB 120114: relating to the Office of Housing.
City Council 7/6/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills.
City Council 6/28/21
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28.15, until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations, Approval of the Journal, Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; CB 120107: relating to City employment; CB 120098: relating to the Board of Park Commissioners; Appointments and Reappointments to Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission; Families, Education, Preschool and Promise Levy Oversight Committee; Landmarks Preservation Board; Appointment of Meghann McCann as Court Administrator of the Seattle Municipal Court; CB 120106: relating to historic preservation - Bordeaux House; CB 120081: relating to affordable housing on properties owned or controlled by religious organizations; Appointments to Green New Deal Oversight Board.