City of Seattle Mayor videos

Mayor announces new youth mental health initiative
Mayor announces new youth mental health initiative

Mayor Bruce Harrell, joined by Seattle students and health, education, and community partners, announced Reach Out Seattle, a new youth mental health initiative that will prioritize prevention, early identification, and intervention of mental and behavioral health challenges.

Reach Out Seattle will promote youth mental health and overall wellness through community-wide learning programs that will focus on prevention and early identification and non-clinical intervention strategies so that parents, caregivers, supportive adults, and others in community are better equipped to recognize the signs of a youth in psychological distress and have the tools and training needed to support them. The initiative also includes a multimedia awareness campaign to destigmatize the conversation around youth mental health in the community.

Speakers and attendees include:

Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle

Dr. Leslie Walker-Harding, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Director Reba Gonzales, Community Safety and Communications Center

Superintendent Brent Jones, Seattle Public Schools

Chetan Soni, Seattle Student Union representative

Max Santiago, Ingraham High School student


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