City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: I-2109 Repeal Capital Gains Tax?
City Inside/Out: I-2109 Repeal Capital Gains Tax?

WA voters will weigh the fate of a new 7% excise tax on capital gains over $250,000. Republican leaders say the tax, which has impacted fewer than 4,000 of the state’s richest residents, is unnecessary and has caused a billionaire flight from WA. I-2109 critics argue the wealth tax on Wall Street gains is needed to fund childcare, early learning programs and school construction.

Dr. Stephan Blanford, Executive Director, Children’s Alliance
Paul Guppy, Senior Researcher, WA Policy Center
Molly Moon Neitzel, Founder & CEO, Molly Moon’s
State Rep. Jim Walsh, R-19th District

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