City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out: New Sports Arena?
City Inside/Out: New Sports Arena?
It`s been four years since the Seattle Supersonics left town, but basketball fans are buzzing with excitement over a new deal to try and lure the NBA and possibly the NHL here. San Francisco financier Chris Hansen is offering to put up nearly $300 million to build a new arena in SODO if the city and county agree to invest $200 million from taxes generated by the new facility. Should city leaders support this proposal? What protection will taxpayers have that Hansen`s team will cover any funding gaps? Can the city support two more professional sports teams? We get perspective from NBA legend Lenny Wilkens, Chris Van Dyk of Citizens for More Important Things, and KJR`s "Softy" Mahler. Our studio panel includes Arena Solution organizer Brian Robinson, Seattle Times columnist Jerry Brewer, SODO Business Association president Mike Peringer, and Hall Walker, deputy budget director of the city of Seattle.
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