2012/2013 Energy and Environment Committee
Energy and Environment Committee 3/27/12
Agenda Items: J.D. Power Review Presentation, Overhead and underground electrical rights.
Energy and Environment Committee 12/10/13
Agenda: Public Comment, Land Use and Zoning, Pay for Performance pilot20, Real Property in Pend Oreille County, Biennial Energy Conservation Target, Community Power Works (CPW) Business and Operations Plan, Update on Building Energy Conservation, Citywide Resource Conservation Management Plan (RCMP).
Energy and Environment Committee 11/26/13
Agenda: franchise with City of Burien, City of Shoreline, Boundary Dam`s Power Generators, City Light surplus property, biennial energy conservation, Interconnected Transmission Systems Agreement, downtown affordable housing and childcare incentive programs.
Energy and Environment Committee 9/24/13
Agenda: Public Comment, City real property, SCH - Energy Efficiency Services, Pay for Performance Pilot Project, Land Use and Zoning, Distribution of Yellow Pages Phone Books.
Energy and Environment Committee 9/10/13
Agenda: Public Comment, City Light Strategic Plan Quarterly Update, Seattle Residential Code, Seattle Energy Code, City Light Department, City Light Department ratepayer engagement process, 2013 Race and Social Justice Initiative Work Plan, City Light on the Strategic Plan Dashboard.
Energy and Environment Committee 8/13/13
Agenda: Wholesale Energy Risk Management Policy, Building Code, Fuel Gas Code, Building Code, Residential Code. Mechanical Code.
Energy and Environment Committee 7/23/13
Agenda: Generator 53 at Boundary Dam, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Timber Creek Ranch Subdivision, overhead and underground electrical rights.
Presentation on Issues Facing Low-wage Workers in the Fast Food Industry.
Agenda: Federal License for Boundary Dam, cleanup of designated Superfund sites, Planet Youth Ambassadors for Climate Justice.
Energy and Environment Committee 6/25/13
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Electric Vehicle Readiness, Environmental Impact Statement for the Denny Substation.
Energy and Environment Committee 6/11/13
Agenda: 2013 Seattle Climate Action Plan, Seattle Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking, Amalfi Easement, Seattle City Light`s 2012 Financial Audit.
Energy and Environment Committee 5/31/13
Agenda: Public Comment, Duwamish Transmission Corridor property surplus, City Light Strategic Plan
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Climate Action Plan, Residential rate assistance, Automatic BPA cost adjustment rate pass-through
Energy and Environment Committee 4/23/13
Agenda: 2013 Seattle Climate Action Plan, 2013 State and Federal Legislation that Impacts Seattle City Light, Titles for Utility Chief Executives, City Light residential rate assistance.
Agenda: City Light on the Denny Substation Design, City Light Strategic Plan and Rate Design, Release of Patrol Road Easement.
Energy and Environment Committee 3/26/13
Agenda: Seattle City Light Review Panel, Seattle`s Longterm Climate Goals, Community Power Works Program Transition Presentation, Nature`s Ridge Easement.
Energy and Environment Committee 3/12/13
Agenda: South Fork Nooksack Land Exchange Ordinance, Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission Budget, City Light 2014 Integrated Resource Plan.
Energy and Environment Committee 2/26/13
Agenda Items: South Fork Nooksack Land Exchange, 2013 Seattle Climate Action Plan, Seattle City Light on On-Bill Financing and Repayment of Energy Conservation Measures.
Energy and Environment Committee 2/12/13
Agenda Items: Carbon Regulation and Carbon Pricing.
Agenda Items: Recommendations from the Green Ribbon Commission
Energy and Environment Committee 1/29/13
Presentation and panel discussion on energy policy recommendations from the Green Ribbon Commission. This meeting was held at the Yesler Community Center.
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Nucor Steel energy conservation funding agreement, Rate Stabilization Account operation
Agenda Items: City Light sur plus properties, Waste Heat to Power Project, Advance District Energy in Seattle.
Energy and Environment Committee 12/11/12
Agenda Items: Surplus City Light properties, Seattle City Light`s Strategic Plan Initiatives Performance Tracking Tool.
Energy and Environment Committee 11/27/12
Agenda Items: City Light Review Board, Duwamish Permits, BNSF Permit, Low Income Assistance Update, Hurricane Sandy Briefing.
Energy and Environment Committee 9/25/12
Agenda Items: Seattle Office of Environment and Sustainability Race and Social Justice Initiative Workplan, City Light Report on Surplus Property, Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission.
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