2016/2017 Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development & Arts Committee
Agenda: Irregular Work Schedules Presentation, Public comment, Appointments to Seattle LGBT Commission, Criminal Records Draft Resolution.
Agenda: Public Comment; Appt 00856: Appointments; Appt 00880: Reappointments; Appt 00855: Appointments; 8. University District Small Business Impact Study; CB 119165: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119140: authorizing Seattle Public Utilities to enter into agreements with the Port of Seattle and BP West Coast Products LLC; CB 119167: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119166: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; Seattle Public Utilities 2017 Audit Entrance Report; CB 119169: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Agenda: Cultural Spotlight; Public Comment; Appointments to Seattle Human Rights Commission; Appointments to Seattle Women's Commission; CB 119141: relating to historic preservation - Campbell Building; CB 119140: Seattle Public Utilities easements (held); CB 119142: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119144: relating to City employment; CB 119145: relating to employment in Seattle.
Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development, and Arts Committee Special Meeting 10/31/17
Agenda: Lunch and Learn Special Meeting on Prisoner and Community Corrections and Re-entry Work Group preliminary report back.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Res 31760: Strategic Business Plan Update for Seattle Public Utilities, CB 119050: relating to rates and charges for water services, CB 119051: relating to water services, CB 119075: relating to wastewater and drainage services, Seattle Office for Civil Rights issue areas that would benefit from independence, Appointments and Reappointments, CB 119037: related to appropriations for the Office of Arts & Culture, Res 31766: creating an Arts & Cultural District in the Uptown neighborhood of Seattle.
Agenda: Public Comment; Appointments to the Seattle Women's Commission; CB 119015: relating to housing regulations; CB 119051: relating to water services; CB 119050: relating to rates and charges for water services; Res 31760: adopting a 2018-2023 Strategic Business Plan Update for Seattle Public Utilities; CB 119036: contract with Cedar Grove Composting; CB 119052: relating to Seattle Public Utilities.
Agenda: Cultural Spotlight, Public Comment; Appointments to the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities, Seattle Human Rights Commission and Seattle LGBTQ Commission; CB 119015: Fair Chance Housing; Res 31760: Seattle Public Utilities Strategic Business Plan Update; CB 119035: King Street Station third-floor tenant improvements.
Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development & Arts - Special Meeting - Public Hearing 7/13/17
Agenda: CB 119015: relating to housing regulation, Overview of Legislation and Data Presentation, Public Hearing.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Appointments, CB 118939: related to City public works, Res 31760: relating to Seattle Public Utilities.
Agenda: Cultural Spotlight, Public Comment, Seattle Public Utilities Solid Waste Services Draft Request for Proposals, Seattle Public Utilities Capital Projects Report, The CAP Report: 30 Ideas for the Creation, Activation and Preservation of Cultural Spaces.
Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118984: relating to Seattle Office for Civil Rights, Mayor's Youth Employment Initiative.
Agenda: Cultural Spotlight, Public Comment, Appointment and Reappointment to the Seattle Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Commission, 2017 workplans of Seattle Office for Civil Rights commissions, CB 118984: relating to the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, Report on 2016 Audits of Seattle Public Utilities, Fair Chance Housing.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Appointments to the Seattle Music Commission, the Special Events Committee, and the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities.
Agenda: Cultural Spotlight - Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, Public Comment, Appointments and reappointments to the Labor Standards Advisory Commission, Josephine: The Private Network for Home Cooked Meals, Seattle Public Utilities 2018-2023 Strategic Business Plan Status Update.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, CB 118944: relating to Seattle Public Utilities and funding assistance, CB 118947: relating to the drainage and wastewater system of The City, New Customer Information System Implementation Audit.
Agenda: Public Comment, Office of Film and Music 2017 Workplan and 2016 Race and Social Justice Initiative Report, Seattle Music Commission 2017 Workplan, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Review Panel Update on Strategic Business Plan, CB 118935: relating to Seattle Public Utilities recycling requirements, CB 118939: related to City public works and priority hire.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Appointment to the Seattle Arts Commission, Office of Arts and Culture 2016 RSJI Report, CB 118932: Seattle Public Utilities' contract with Waste Management, Secure Scheduling draft rules, Appointment to the Labor Standards Advisory Commission.
Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development & Arts Lunch and Learn - Special Meeting 3/1/17
Agenda: Trump-Proof Seattle: A Lunch and Learn Forum on Tax Justice, Public Comment.
Agenda: Public Comment, Priority Hire Annual Report, Community Service in the Arts: 5th Avenue Theatre and Seattle Symphony.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Appt 00565: Appointment of Tara Cookson as member, Seattle Women's Commission, CB 118903: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Public Utilities 2016 Race and Social Justice Initiative Report, Office of Economic Development 2016 Race and Social Justice Initiative Report, The Scarecrow Project.
Agenda: Public Comment, Reappointments to the Museum Development Authority, Appointment to the Human Rights Commission, CB 118895: relating to Seattle Public Utilities.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, Appointments to the Seattle Human Rights Commission, Appointments to the Seattle Music Commission, CB 118870: City's Tolt Water Transmission Pipeline right-of-way, Cultural Space Inventory and Stability Index, Arts Commission/Music Commission recommendations on cultural spaces.
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointments to the Seattle Music Commission, Appointments to the Seattle Human Rights Commission, Appointments to the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities, Appointment to the Seattle Women's Commission, CB 11887: Seattle Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Commission name, Appointment of Dylan Orr as Director of the Office of Labor Standards, CB 11886: Taylor Creek, CB 118878: Tolt Pipeline Trail permit, Seattle Public Utilities 2016 Audit Entrance Plan.
Agenda: Public Comment, Res 31712: advance green careers for people of color and other marginalized or under-represented groups, Appointment to the Seattle Human Rights Commission, CB 118771: related to appropriations for the Office of Arts & Culture, CB 118806: Sewer facility easements, CB 118760: Ship Canal Water Quality Project, CB 118805: charge for certain recyclable paper bags, Hugo House briefing
Agenda: Public Comment, Appointment and Oath of Office of Mami Hara as Director of Seattle Public Utilities, CB 118773: North Fork Tolt River Watershed, CB 118774: Port of Seattle Drainage System, CB 118775: loan from the Washington State Public Works Board.
Agenda: Word's Worth, Public Comment, CB 118765: Relating to secure scheduling requirements
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