Seattle City Council Videos

City Council 3/18/19
City Council 3/18/19

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appointment of Saad Bashir as Chief Technology Officer, Seattle Information Technology Department; Appointment of Richard F. Shordt as member, Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission; CB 119443: relating to land use - Seattle Comprehensive Plan; CB 119444: related to Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA); CB 119445: related to land use and zoning - Northgate Urban Center; Res 31870: MHA implementation; Reappointment of Michael B. Garrett, Seattle LGBTQ Commission; CB 119476: relating to the Pike Place Market; CB 119478: 2019 Budget; CB 119479: 2019 Budget; Res 31869: 2020 Budget; Res 31868: relating to City Council confirmation and reconfirmation of City department heads; Res 31871: endorsing the Regional Affordable Housing Task Force.


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