Seattle City Council Videos

Transportation & Utilities Committee 5/5/21
Transportation & Utilities Committee 5/5/21

In-person attendance is currently prohibited per Washington State Governor's Proclamation 20-28, et. seq., until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is terminated or Proclamation 20-28 is rescinded by the Governor or State legislature. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and online by the Seattle Channel.

Agenda: Call To Order, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; CB 120044: Stormwater Code Update; Res 32000: adopting a 2021-2026 Strategic Business Plan for Seattle Public Utilities; CB 120045: City Light Department easement; CB 120042: amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget; CB 120062: Madison Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); CB 120063: relating to grant funds from the United States Department of Transportation; CB 120053: surveillance technology implementation - SIR: Forward-Looking Infrared Real-Time Video; CB 120054: surveillance technology implementation - SIR: Situational Awareness Cameras; CB 120055: surveillance technology implementation - SIR: Video Recording Systems.


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