Seattle City Council Videos

Seattle Within Reach: Intro to Land Use Planning & the Comp Plan
Seattle Within Reach: Intro to Land Use Planning & the Comp Plan

Seattle Within Reach is a town hall series about how we build a Seattle in which everyone has the ability to live, work, and play - within reach.

Agenda: Introduction; Community Comp Plan Education: Within Reach; Livable Neighborhoods: Within Reach; Equitable Neighborhoods: Within Reach; Dialogue and Conclusion.

Speakers include:

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales, City of Seattle

Jamie Stroble, Seattle Planning Commission

Rose Lew Whitson, Seattle Planning Commission

Radhika Nair, Seattle Planning Commission

Dylan Glosecki, Architect

Matt Hutchins, Architect

Ab Juaner, Puget Sound Sage


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