Seattle City Council Videos

Seattle Within Reach: Building Community Wealth
Seattle Within Reach: Building Community Wealth

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales (District 2 – South Seattle & C/ID) hosts a discussion about building community wealth. 

This discussion is the fourth installment of Seattle Within Reach, an ongoing discussion series focused on a more well-connected, well-resourced, and equitable city.

Seattle Within Reach is a town hall series about how we build a Seattle in which everyone has the ability to live, work, and play - within reach. This event focuses on mobility and safer streets for all.

Agenda: Seattle Within Reach Introduction and Discussion Overview; Building towards transformative placemaking; Impact of Megaregions for BIPOC people; Moving to a regenerative economy & the role of Government in Community Wealth Building.

Speakers and attendees include:

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales, City of Seattle

Tracy Hadden Loh, Fellow with the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at Brookings Metro.

Njuguna Gishuru, Community Development Consultant at People’s Economy Lab


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