Seattle City Council Videos
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; CB 120423: Relating to City’s traffic code; CF 314505: Mayor Bruce Harrell’s Budget Address on the 2023 Budget; CB 120394: Relating to townhouse and rowhouse development; CB 120405: Relating to Crown Hill Neighborhood Design Guidelines; CB 120400: Relating to virtual meetings for the Design Review program; CB 120401: Relating to land use and zoning correcting typographical errors; Res 32067: Relating to Downtown Seattle Association’s Third Avenue Vision; CB 120419: Relating to the State Route 520 Bridge Replacement and High Occupancy Vehicle Program; Items Removed From Consent Calendar, Adoption of Other Resolutions, Other Business.