Seattle City Council Videos

City Council 5/2/23
City Council 5/2/23

Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120551: relating to City employment - MoU between The City of Seattle and the Seattle Parking Enforcement Officers’ Guild; CB 120552: relating to civil service commissions; CB 120553: relating to City employment - MoU between The City of Seattle and Local 242; CB 120537: relating to downtown business improvement areas, establishing a new ten-year Business Improvement Area to be known as the Metropolitan Improvement District; CF 314470: Application of 2501 NW Market LLC for a contract rezone; CB 120533: relating to land use and zoning - 2501 NW Market St; Items Removed from Consent Calendar; Other resolutions; Other Business; Adjournment.


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