Seattle City Council Videos
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Appointments and reappointments; Draft Recommendations for Move Seattle Levy Renewal; CB 120721: Relating to the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Program; CB 120723: Relating to the East Marginal Way Corridor Improvement project; CB 120713: Relating to railroad franchise granted to Oregon and Washington Railroad Company; CB 120715: Relating to railroad franchise granted to the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company of Washington; CB 120722: Relating to to street and sidewalk use; CB 120724: Relating to Burke Gilman Trail in UDistrict; CB 120726: Relating to SDOT and execute interlocal agreements with Suquamish Muckleshoot Tribes; Bridge Asset Management Plan Preview; Seattle Public Utilities Race and Social Justice Initiative Update; Res 32119: Resolution changing part of South Mount Baker Boulevard to “Cheryl Chow Boulevard”; CB 120658: Relating to sidewalk construction and pedestrian mobility improvements; Adjournment.