Seattle City Council Videos

City Council 9/3/2024
City Council 9/3/2024

Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Consideration of Initiative Measure No. 137; Governance, Accountability, and Economic Development Committee appointments and reappointments; Parks, Public Utilities, and Technology Committee appointments and reappointments; Committee Reports; Appointment of Rob Lloyd as Chief Technology Officer; CB 120837: Relating to Seattle Parks and Recreation and moorages; CB 120819: Relating to Seattle Public Utilities drainages; CB 120820: Ordinance relating to SPU wastewater services; Res 32136: Resolution relating to SPU and 2025-2030 Strategic Business Plan; CB 120840: Ordinance relating to City Light and electric vehicle charging stations; Res 32130: Resolution relating to City Light endorsing Wholesale Energy Risk Management Policy; Res 32139: Relating to City Light 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Update; Adjournment.


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