Seattle City Council Videos

Full Council 11/20/17
Full Council 11/20/17

Agenda: Public Comment; Appointment and Oath of Office of Andrew Myerberg as Director of the Office of Police Accountability; Reappointments to the Community Police Commission; CB 119122: acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 119123: amending Ordinance 125207, which adopted the 2017 Budget; CF 314382: 2018 Proposed Budget; CF 314383: 2018-2023 Proposed Capital Improvement Program: CB 119111: regulatory business and professional license fees; CB 119112: pet adoption fees and other animal control fees; CB 119106: fees and charges for permits and activities of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections; CB 119099: street and sidewalk use; CB 119108: 2018 fee schedule for the use of park properties;  CB 119102-3: drainage and wastewater system; CB 119109-10: contracting indebtedness;  CB 119101: solid waste system; CB 119104-5: electric system; CB 119100: solid waste system; CB 119135: financing of Equitable Development Implementation Plan project; CB 119132: financing of certain general government programs;  CB 119129:  financing of tax administration system improvements and regulatory licensing systems; CB 119134: Sweetened Beverage Tax; CB 119098: financing of the Mercer West project; CB 119113: retirement-savings program; CB 119107: Emergency Relocation Assistance Program; CB 119115: City Light Department pay provisions; CB 119120: Directors of the Office for Civil Rights; CB 119124: Seattle Department of Transportation's 2018 grant applications; CB 119136: decreasing militarization of police activities; CB 119128: Equitable Development Initiative; CB 119125: contracting by the Human Services Department; CB 119116: adopting a budget, including a capital improvement program and position modifications; CF 314384: City Council Changes to the 2018 Proposed Budget and the 2018-2023 Proposed Capital Improvement Program; CB 119117-8: levy of property taxes, Other resolutions: Res 31781 and Res 31782.


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