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Positive Behavior Interventions & Support initiative at Rainier Beach schools
Positive Behavior Interventions & Support initiative at Rainier Beach schools

This short video was produced in 2018 to screen at the Rainier Beach Town Hall of September 27, 2018.

The Rainier Beach community came together for a town hall to promote the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) initiative occurring in all six of Rainier Beach schools. The regularly occurring Rainier Beach Town Hall Meetings are opportunities for Rainier Beach stakeholders and residents to learn what is going on in Rainier Beach and to share ideas for addressing the critical issues impacting the community. This video gives an overview of how the PBIS framework is structured and gives a history of the initiative, which began in 2013.


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Positive Behavior Interventions & Support initiative at Rainier Beach schools

This short video was produced in 2018 to screen at the Rainier Beach Town Hall of September 27, 2018.

The Rainier Beach community came together for a town hall to promote the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) initiative occurring in all six of Rainier Beach schools. The regularly occurring Rainier Beach Town Hall Meetings are opportunities for Rainier Beach stakeholders and residents to learn what is going on in Rainier Beach and to share ideas for addressing the critical issues impacting the community. This video gives an overview of how the PBIS framework is structured and gives a history of the initiative, which began in 2013.

Keep the Music Playing

When the coronavirus pandemic hit Seattle, live music venues had to close their doors without knowing when or if they'd be able to open back up. Andy Palmer, Booking Manager at Nectar Lounge, gives us a backstage pass to what they and many other struggling music venues are doing to connect audiences with live virtual performances. Special thanks to Rob Miller at Boundless Northwest for providing concert and live stream set up footage.

Marching for racial justice & equity in the arts

Holding signs reading "Black Lives Matter" and "American music is Black Music," more than 100 people participated in the Arts March for Racial Justice and Equity protest to speak out against racism and police brutality on June 2. The demonstration was organized by professionals in the Seattle Symphony and Seattle Opera, and the event also put a spotlight on the need for greater Black representation in the arts. 

"We're here for you.” Chief Seattle Club expands outreach to all in need.

Many homeless assistance programs have had to suspend operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, but a handful continue to help Seattle's most vulnerable population, including the Chief Seattle Club. The Pioneer Square based organization provides social services for the city's homeless Native Americans, but during the coronavirus crisis, has expanded their outreach to help all in need. Video by Ian Devier

Food Access Programs Help Older Adults and People Experiencing Homelessness

COVID-19 has left 1.6 million people in Washington state struggling to put food on the table. The need is especially high in parts of Seattle and South King County. Various city departments including Human Services and the Office of Sustainability and Environment have funded food access and nutrition for older adults and people experiencing homelessness. A grocery voucher program is now helping 9,000 Seattle families. Seattle senior centers are making meals for delivery. And philanthropic organizations, businesses, and nonprofits, like FareStart, are also assisting in the community-wide effort to battle hunger. For updated information please go to seattle.gov/mayor/covid-19.

Caring for Chinatown’s seniors during coronavirus pandemic

In March, Henry Liu looked around Seattle's Chinatown/International District and noticed nearly all the neighborhood's seniors had vanished. Many are sheltering indoors and avoiding the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, a virus that can be more deadly for the elderly. So how would this vulnerable population get food needed to survive? Henry and the organization he works for, InterIm Community Development Association (InterIm CDA), sprang into action. For the past several months, the nonprofit has been delivering free groceries to the International District's seniors, serving more than 1,000 households weekly.

Friday Night Lights

Have you noticed a parade of fire engines, police cars, ladder trucks, and other first responder vehicles winding their way through Seattle neighborhoods on Friday nights? Don't be alarmed, it's Seattle Fire Department, teaming up with Seattle Police Department, for Friday Night Lights. They're driving engines and ladder trucks through residential streets to let you know they are here to serve. Residents can come to the window, porch, balcony, or front lawn to check out the "light show."

Battling COVID-19: The Force remains strong with these locals

If you are a Star Wars fan, you know that May the 4th is a big day!  The date serves as a worldwide celebration for the most ardent fans of the popular film series, many of whom dress in elaborate Star Wars inspired costumes. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused in-person local events to be cancelled, including visits to children at area hospitals. But for one local fan group, the Star Wars 501st Garrison Titan, they are finding new ways to reach out to these vulnerable youngsters. Produced by Randy Eng 

More Information:

501st Storytime

West Seattle Droid Storytime

Audio engineer Joe Reineke struggles during pandemic.

It's an all too familiar story in the arts. Audio engineer Joe Reineke, owner of Orbit Audio and co-founder of Seattle Recording Arts, is struggling to keep his business alive during the pandemic. Reineke reflects on the future of art as he looks for a path forward for his Pioneer Square studio.

Overdue for a 'do? Hairdresser tips for managing your mane

Social distancing restrictions may have shut down your hair salon, but that doesn't have to mean a bad hair day. Hairdresser Ivy Lou Jacobs from Beehive Salon in Seattle's Tanglewood neighborhood shows some simple ways to stay well-coiffed at home when your hairstyle is overdue for a 'do!

Stitching community through homemade masks

In early April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended voluntary use of masks in public. Many people with textile skills have stepped up to make masks for others, including Susan Ishii-Yin. These days, she's sewing masks for herself, her family and some very lucky friends, and helping build community along the way.  Additional photos and videography provided by Shelby Yin.

Seattle's Shelter Response During COVID-19

COVID-19 has forced us to take unprecedented measures to help stop the spread of the deadly disease. One group especially vulnerable is the homeless population. The City of Seattle, under Mayor Durkan, has moved swiftly to protect these residents by opening seven new shelter locations. The added shelter capacity has helped re-distribute homeless residents, enabling them to use social distancing to stay healthy. For updated information please go to seattle.gov/mayor/covid-19.

From porcelain to plastics, artist helps fill urgent PPE need

In her regular studio practice, interdisciplinary artist Timea Tihanyi of Slip Rabbit Studio uses 3D-printing to create ceramic sculptures. But lately, she's been using the studio's technology to produce reusable face shield cradles for front-line caregivers addressing the coronavirus pandemic at UW Medicine. Slip Rabbit Studio's efforts are part of a UW campus-wide maker collaboration to address the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) in this timely example of the old saying "many hands make light work." 

Seattle Fire Department celebrates hardworking hospital staff

On Thursday, April 16, 2020, firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs from across the county, along with Seattle Police, AMR, and Airlift NW displayed their support for all healthcare workers by celebrating, encouraging and thanking them for their compassion and dedication in caring for our community in midst of the COVID-19 crisis. Crews parked their vehicles curbside in front of each hospital's main entrance and stood in formation holding signs of encouragement while cheering healthcare workers during the 7 p.m. shift change.

Seattle comes together to "make a joyful noise"

Mark Siano was quarantined in Paris when he noticed that at 8 p.m., the city came alive with noise. When he looked into it, Siano discovered that it was the city collectively applauding the health care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. When he returned to Seattle, he helped spread the word about "Make a Joyful Noise," a way to celebrate the health care workers, grocery store clerks, supply chain specialists, janitors, and others working tirelessly on the front lines of the pandemic response.  

U.S. Army setting up a field hospital at CenturyLink Field Events Center

"We are at the start of a marathon, this is not a sprint." Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, along with other local and state leaders, welcomed the U.S. Army and FEMA as they begin to set up a field hospital at CenturyLink Field Events Center. The facility plans to treat non-COVID-19 cases, in order to reduce the burden on local healthcare facilities. Watch the full press briefing for details.

Seattle's MLK Day 2020 tribute, rally and march

"Ever since I was little I heard 'I have a dream.' So I'm trying to keep it alive." -Carleton Slade, Seattle Parks and Recreation supervisor. Watch as more than a thousand people marched to honor Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday in Seattle.

Creating Krampus, the "dark underbelly of the holidays"

It was an evening of celebrating the "dark underbelly of the holidays" at Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery in Georgetown. More than a dozen artists participated in the stores 13th anniversary and holiday party by creating art of the Central European folklore figure known as Krampus. The horned creature is the dark under lord of Saint Nicholas, punishing children who have misbehaved.

Seattle organization providing holiday help for veterans in need

More than 400 veterans who are experiencing homelessness are being given a bit of warmth over the holidays. The Seattle Stand Down organization is providing these vets access to healthcare, housing and legal resources, haircuts, and more during their 9th Annual Seattle Stand Down event at South Seattle Colleges Georgetown campus on Dec. 12 and 13. More information can be found here.

Seattle’s 150th Anniversary Reception

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan hosts a reception to honor Seattle's 150th anniversary. Guests at the sesquicentennial celebration include current and former city leaders. 

Speakers include:

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan, City of Seattle

Council President Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle

Secretary of State Kim Wyman, Washington State

Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk, City of Seattle

Peace Circles in Rainier Beach

Follow the Rainier Beach Action Coalition as they address youth conflict with Restorative Justice approaches such as Peace Circles. Peace Circles create processes for community-led accountability and give an opportunity for youth to fully express their emotions.

United Campus: Building a Safe, Respectful and Responsible Community

As the first in the nation to launch a community-wide led violence prevention framework with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), the Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC) is using innovative and collaborative tactics to create a safer community for young people.

Great Expectations for All: Implementing PBIS in Rainier Beach Schools

Teachers, administrators, and a national data team are using data and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS creates inclusive and positive expectations for all students in the Seattle Public Schools located in the Rainier Beach neighborhood.

Universal Positive Environments

This film depicts how Seattle Public Schools is using child development brain research to help address the impact of complex trauma on students. Using their data and research, the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team creates practices and structures inside schools to build positive relationships with young people so that students are able to safely engage with learning in all environments.

Chinese American WWII Veterans recognized during Seahawks game

Monday night's Seattle Seahawks game was not only memorable for the team's 37-30 win over the Vikings, but also for the six heroes that were honored. Receiving a standing ovation, these Chinese American World War II veterans were recognized for their service and sacrifices.
Learn more here.