Select Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP.

Budget Committee Session II 11/2/15
Budget Committee Session II 11/2/15

Agenda: Public comment, Seattle Department of Transportation, Other Budget Actions, Revenue Update.


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Budget Committee Session II 11/2/15

Agenda: Public comment, Seattle Department of Transportation, Other Budget Actions, Revenue Update.

Budget Committee Session I 10/30/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Errata, Office of Arts and Culture, Arts and Culture Related Items, Office of Economic Development, Seattle Police Department and Public Safety.

Budget Committee Session II 10/30/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Department of Parks and Recreation, Proposed Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, Proposed Office of Planning and Community Development, Office of Housing, Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Matching Fund, Budget Legislation, Other Budget Actions.

Budget Committee Session I 10/29/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Department of Information Technology, Seattle Public Library, Office for Civil Rights, Seattle City Light, Office of Intergovernmental Relations.

Budget Committee Session II 10/29/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Human Resources, Department of Finance and Administrative Services, Office of the City Auditor, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs.

People's Budget Town Hall 10/27/15

The People's Budget Town Hall open up the doors of City Hall to ordinary people. Kshama moderates short panels on: Affordable Housing; Human Services & Public Safety; Progressive Taxation & Public Infrastructure; and Education, Youth Jobs, Racial Justice.

Budget Committee Session I 10/22/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Police Department (SPD), Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT), Office of Economic Development (OED).

Budget Committee Session II 10/22/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Human Services Department (HSD), Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).

Budget Committee Session I 10/21/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Departments Not Requiring Full Issue Paper, Seattle Public Utilities, Office of Arts and Culture.

Budget Committee Session II 10/21/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Proposed Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) Proposed Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD),  Department of Neighborhoods (DON) Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF).

Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/20/15

This meeting contains two public hearings. The first is on Council Bill 118502, containing amendments to the Seattle Land Use Code, Seattle Municipal Code Title 23, to reorganize the Department of Planning and Development into two separate departments: (1) the Office of Planning and Community Development; and (2) the Department of Construction and Inspections. The second is on the City's 2016 General Revenue Sources, including a possible property tax levy increase; and Mayor Edward B. Murray's 2016 Proposed Budget.

Budget Committee Session I 10/8/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department, Department of Information Technology, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs.

Budget Committee Session II 10/8/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Office for Civil Rights and Office of Labor Standards, Law Department, Seattle Municipal Court, Office of Housing.

Budget Committee Session I 10/7/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Department of Transportation, Office of the Waterfront, Seattle Public Library, Seattle Department of Human Resources.

Budget Committee Session II 10/7/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Center, Office of Arts and Culture, Department of Finance and Administrative Services.

Budget Committee Session I 10/6/15

Agenda: Public comment, Planning and Development, Office of Sustainability and Environment, Seattle City Light, Seattle Public Utilities.

Budget Committee Session II 10/6/15

Agenda: Public comment, Human Services Department, Office of Economic Development, Department of Education and Early Learning, Department of Neighborhoods.

Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/6/15

Public hearing to solicit public comment on: (1) the City's 2016 General Revenue Sources, including a possible property tax levy increase; and (2) Mayor Edward B. Murray's 2016 Proposed Budget.

Budget Committee 10/1/15

Agenda: Public comment, Overview of Mayor's 2016 Proposed Budget.

Budget Committee 9/21/15

Agenda: Revenue Update, Budget Process Overview.

Budget Committee 4/27/15

Agenda: Public Comment, Revenue Update, Statement of Legislative Intent 120-2-A-1, Budget Process Overview.

Budget Committee I 11/24/2014
Agenda: Technical Changes Package, Budget Adoption Package.
Budget Committee I 11/14/2014
Agenda: New Items, Statements of Legislative Intent, Budget Balancing Package.
Budget Committee I 11/6/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, General Subfund Underspend, Human Services Department.
Budget Committee II 11/6/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Department of Transportation, Proposed Department of Education and Early Learning, Seattle Police Department, Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion, Revenue Update.