Select Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP.

Budget Committee Session I 11/2/2012
Budget Committee Session I 11/2/2012
Agenda Items: Seattle Department of Transportation, Human Services Department

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Budget Committee Session I 11/2/2012
Agenda Items: Seattle Department of Transportation, Human Services Department
Budget Committee Session II 11/2/2012
Agenda Items: Seattle Parks and Recreation, Office of Economic Development, Other
Budget Committee Session II 11/1/2012
Agenda Items: Seattle Police Department, Center City Initiative, Seattle Youth Violence Prevention
Budget Committee Session I 11/1/2012
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Planning and Development, Seattle Center, Seattle Office for Civil Rights
Budget Committee Session II 10/31/2012
Agenda Items: Seattle Public Utilities, Office of Sustainability and Environment, Budget Legislation
Budget Committee Session I 10/31/2012
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Seattle City Light, Department of Finance and Administration, Department of Information Technology
Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/25/2012
Agenda Items: Public Hearing on the Mayor`s 2013-2014 Proposed Budget
Budget Committee Session I 10/24/2012
Issues Identification: Public Comment, Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR).
Budget Committee Session II 10/24/2012
Agenda Items: Department of Transportation, Seattle Center, Seattle Youth Violence Initiative
Budget Committee Session II 10/23/2012
Issues Identification: Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs (OACA), Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS), Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE), Departments without Significant Budget Issues.
Budget Committee Session I 10/23/2012
Issues Identification: Public Comment, Seattle Police Department (SPD), Center City Initiative.
Budget Committee Session I 10/22/2012
Issue Identification: Public Comments, Department of Planning and Development (DPD).
Budget Committee Session II 10/22/2012
Issue Identification: Human Services Department (HSD), Office of Economic Development (OED).
Budget Committee 10/17/2012
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Fire Department Pension
Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/4/2012
Agenda Items: Public Hearing on the Mayor`s 2013-2014 Proposed Budget, 2014 General Revenue Sources, and and the 2013 Update on the 2009 - 2012 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development.
Budget Committee PM 10/3/2012
Department Budget Overview: Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Office for Civil Rights.
Budget Committee AM 10/3/2012

Department Budget Overview: Seattle Public Library, Office of Education, Department of Finance and Administrative Services, Personnel Department.

Budget Committee PM 10/2/2012
Department Budget Overview: Office of Economic Development, Seattle Department of Transportation, Department of Information Technology, Department of Planning and Development.
Budget Committee AM 10/2/2012
Department Budget Overview: Human Services, Office of Housing, Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs.
Budget Committee PM 9/28/2012
Department Budget Overview: Workforce and Contracting Equity, Seattle Center
Budget Committee AM 9/28/2012
Department Budget Overview: Public comment, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Neighborhoods, Office of Sustainability and Environment
Budget Committee AM 9/27/2012
Agenda Items: Overview of Mayor`s proposals, Budget process overview
Budget Committee PM 9/27/2012
Department Budget Overview: Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle City Light
Budget Committee 9/4/2012
Agenda Items: City Revenue Forecast for 2013-2014, Budget Process Update.
Budget Committee 4/30/2012
Agenda Items: Revised Revenue Forecast for 2012-2014.