Select Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP.

People's Budget Town Hall 10/30/2014
People's Budget Town Hall 10/30/2014
Councilmember Kshama Sawant hosts a Town Hall on the People`s Budget.

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People's Budget Town Hall 10/30/2014
Councilmember Kshama Sawant hosts a Town Hall on the People`s Budget.
Budget Committee Session II 10/24/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Human Services Department, Seattle Department of Transportation.
Budget Committee Session I 10/24/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Police Department, Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion/Multi-Disciplinary Team, Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative.
Budget Committee 10/23/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Planning and Development, Office of Arts and Culture, Department of Parks and Recreation.
Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/23/2014
Agenda: First public hearing on Revenue Sources, second public hearing is on the general budget.
Budget Committee Session II 10/22/2014
Agenda: Cross-Cutting Issues and Department without Significant Budget Issues, Office of Economic Development, Minimum Wage/Labor Standards, Interfund Loan Extensions.
Budget Committee Session I 10/22/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Central Waterfront, Cross-Cutting Issues and Departments without significant Budget Issues.
Budget Committee Session II 10/10/2014
Agenda: Proposed Department of Education and Early Learning
Budget Committee Session I 10/10/2014
Agenda: Seattle Police Department, Seattle Fire Department
Budget Committee Session II 10/9/2014
Agenda: Office of Economic Development, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Human Resources, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Finance and Administrative Services
Budget Committee Session I 10/9/2014

Agenda: Department of Planning and Development, Office of Housing, Seattle City Light

Budget Committee 10/8/2014

Agenda: Public Comment, Human Services Department, Office of Sustainability and Environment, Department of Information Technology.

Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/7/2014
Public hearing of the Seattle City Council`s budget committee. Held at Garfield Community Center on E. Cherry St.
Budget Committee Session II 10/7/2014
Presentations: Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Center, Seattle Public Library, Office of Arts and Culture.
Budget Committee Session I 10/7/2014
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Seattle Dept. of Transportation and Seattle Public Utilities.
Budget Committee 10/2/2014
Agenda: Public Comment, Overview of Mayor`s 2015-2016 Proposed Budget.
Budget Committee 9/15/2014
Agenda: Revenue Update, Budget Process Overview.
Budget Committee 4/28/2014
Agenda: End of Year Close Out, Revenue Update, Public Comment.
Budget Committee 11/25/2013
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Votes on Budget Committee recommended modifications to the Mayor`s 2014 Proposed Budget and related legislation
Budget Committee 11/18/2013
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Seattle City Light (SCL), Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), General Fund Balancing Package, Budget Legislation, Miscellaneous Statements of Legislative Intent(SLI).
Budget Committee Session II 11/8/2013
Presentations: Office of Economic Development (OED), Law Department, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Career Bridge.
Budget Committee Session I 11/8/2013
Presentations: Seattle Police Department (SPD), Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Program (LEAD)and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT), Seattle Municipal Court (SMC), Gender Equality, Seattle Fire Department (SFD).
Budget Committee Session I 11/7/2013
Agenda Item: Public Comment, Department of Neighborhoods (DON), Universal preschool, Department of Planning and Development(DPD), Seattle Center (SC), Seattle Housing Authority`s(SHA), Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs(OACA).
Budget Committee Session II 11/7/2013
Presentations: Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR), Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Human Services Department (HSD), Finance General, Personnel Department.
Budget Committee - Special Meeting 11/6/2013
Agenda Items: Public Comment, Seattle City Light (SCL), Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS), Seattle Public Utilities(SPU), Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE), Urban Forestry, Budget Legislation.