City Inside/Out episodes
City Inside/Out: Privatizing Liquor
After being bombarded with the most expensive initiative campaign in state history, Washington voters chose to privatize liquor last fall. We look at the aftermath of I-1183 and the changes that are on tap. How are distributors reacting to the new 10% tax they will soon have to pay? Will consumers balk at the new 17% retail tax on their booze? Will craft distilleries stay in business? We hear from the Washington State Liquor Control Board`s Pat Kohler, restaurateur Eric Banh and Sound Spirits` Steven Stone. Our studio guests include Joe Gilliam, President of the Northwest Grocery Association; John Guadnola, Executive Director of the Washington Wine and Beer Wholesalers Association; Jan Gee, C.E.O. of the Washington Food Industry Association; and David LeClaire, General Manager of Wine World Warehouse. Bottom line: As state liquor stores begin to shut down, consumers are pondering whether liquor prices will go down...or up!