City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out explores downtown crime
City Inside/Out: Downtown Disorder

Seattle has launched a new effort to crack down on open-air drug dealing and other crimes downtown. As part of this "9 ½ Block Strategy," bus stops and newspaper boxes are being moved, alleys restricted and vacant parking lots fenced off to deter criminal activity. Will the new plan work? How will the area's homeless be impacted? Will the illicit activity simply move elsewhere? How are businesses responding?

On the show:
Lisa Daugaard, Policy Director, Public Defender Association
Bill Hobson, Exec. Dir., Downtown Emergency Services Center
Doug Honig, Communications Director, ACLU-WA
Kate Joncas, Deputy Mayor, city of Seattle
Jon Scholes, President & CEO, Downtown Seattle Association
Leroy Shumate, Owner, Leroy's Menswear
Jackie St. Louis, Street Outreach Manager, Metropolitan Improvement District

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