City Inside/Out episodes

City Inside/Out looks at what it means to be a sanctuary city
City Inside/Out: Immigration Confrontation

Seattle city leaders are pushing back against President Trump's executive orders regarding immigrants and refugees. What does it mean to be a "sanctuary city"? Why are Seattle and dozens of other jurisdictions risking losing millions in federal dollars over this? How will immigrants, both documented and otherwise, be impacted by the new rules? It's an ethical and legal battle over immigration that has put the welcoming city of Seattle in a most unwelcome position.

On the show:
Adriana, an undocumented immigrant
Jorge Baron, Exec. Director, NW Immigrant Rights Project
Lorena González, Seattle City Council
Ira Mehlman, Media Director, FAIR
Stephen Miller, Presidential Advisor
Ed Murray, Seattle Mayor
Donald Trump, U.S. President

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