Council Briefings
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.1 until May 4, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation on Small Business Support and Workforce Development; Presentation on the use of Federal and State Grants for COVID-19 Emergency Response; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 4/27/20
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28.1 until May 4, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation on Small Business Support and Workforce Development; Presentation on the use of Federal and State Grants for COVID-19 Emergency Response; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 4/20/20
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28 until April 23, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation on the Condition of the West Seattle Bridge; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 4/13/20
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28 until April 23, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation by the Northwest Healthcare Response Network; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 4/6/20
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28 until April 23, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation on State and Federal COVID-19 Actions; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 3/30/20
In-person attendance is currently prohibited per the Washington Governor's Proclamation No. 20-28 until April 23, 2020. Meeting participation is limited to access by telephone conference line and Seattle Channel online.
Agenda: President's Report; Presentation on the Condition of the West Seattle Bridge; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 3/23/20
Due to the civil emergency on the coronavirus, councilmembers may be participating electronically.
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 3/2/20
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Executive Session I on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*; Executive Session II on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 2/24/20
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 2/18/20
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates 2020 (skipped); Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 2/10/20
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates 2020; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 2/3/20
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 1/27/20
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 1/21/20
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 1/13/20
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 1/6/20
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 12/16/19
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 12/9/19
Agenda: President's Report; 2020 State Legislative Session Agenda (Proposed); Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*.
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 12/2/19
Agenda: President's Report; 2020 State Legislative Session Agenda (Proposed); Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 11/25/19
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 11/18/19
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 11/12/19
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Waterfront Local Improvement District (LID) Presentation.
Council Briefing 10/28/19
Agenda: President's Report; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 10/21/19
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates; Green Seattle Partnership: Restoring Neighborhood Forested Parks & Natural Areas; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.
Council Briefing 10/14/19
Agenda: President's Report; 2019-2020 Get-Engaged Appointments; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Executive Session on Pending, Potential, or Actual Litigation*
*Executive Sessions are closed to the public
Council Briefing 10/7/19
Agenda: President's Report; State Legislative Session Updates (2019); State Route (SR) 99 Tolling Update; Preview of Today's City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees.