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Looking back: Sawant leads preservation push to protect Showbox Theater
Favorite Archival Object: Save the Showbox Posters & Flyers, 2018

The "Favorite Archival Object" series is a monthly installment featuring archivists from Seattle Municipal Archives highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. In this installment, Seattle Municipal Archives' Digital Asset Manager Sarah Shipley takes a look at the "Save the Showbox" posters and flyers from Councilmember Kshama Sawant's records. To view all the graphics, posters and flyers in Sawant's collection, please visit here

– Save the Showbox graphics flyers and posters, Items 4679_07_002, 4679_07_041, 4679_07_042, 4679_07_043, 4679_07_044, 4679_07_045, 4679_07_046, 4679_07_048, 4679_07_047, 4679_07_049, 4679_07_050, 4679_07_051, 4679_07_052, Record Series 4679-07: Kshama Sawant Posters
– [Sassy Black performs at Save the Showbox rally at City Hall], September 19, 2018, Item 207521, Record Series 4679-02: Sawant Subject Files
– Save the Showbox rally [with Councilmember Kshama Sawant], August 1, 2018, Item 194283, Record Series 4600-11: Legislative Department Digital Photographs – Public Hearing, September 19, 2018, Record Series 3902-01 Seattle Channel Moving Images
– Public Hearing, August 1, 2018, Record Series 3902-01 Seattle Channel Moving Images
– Councilmember Kshama Sawant social media, @cmkshama, #savetheshowbox

All of the videos from the "Favorite Archival Object" series feature the following:
– Footage in introduction titles: Seattle Channel, Item cs_112119_3071924V
– Music: "The Plan's Working" by Cooper Cannellis from YouTube's Audio Library (Creative Commons)


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