Mayor Videos
Mayor Bruce Harrell announces $22 million in awards to 42 projects through the Equitable Development Initiative, part of the City’s effort to support property ownership among Seattle’s diverse communities in neighborhoods at high risk of displacement. This round of targeted EDI funding is intended to close critical funding gaps to move existing EDI projects toward completion, as well as capacity-building support to organizations that are still developing their plans for permanent homes in Seattle.
The EDI, administered by the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) was created in 2016 to respond to the needs of marginalized communities, reduce disparities, and support organizational capacity building, property acquisition, and capital expenses. The initiative is championed by community organizations concerned about displacement pressures and historical lack of investment that has occurred in communities of color in Seattle.
Speakers include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Rico Quirindongo, Director, Office of Planning and Community Development
Vivian Phillips, Founder, ARTE NOIR
K. Wyking Garrett, President & CEO, Africatown Community Land Trust
César García, Co-Founder, Lake City Collective