Mayor Jenny A. Durkan (2018-2021) Archive videos

Mayor announces Fare Share Plan including fair wages, new housing near transit
Mayor announces Fare Share Plan including fair wages, new housing near transit

Standing alongside housing, transit, and worker advocates, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announces her new Fare Share proposal to mandate that Uber and Lyft drivers be paid a minimum wage in addition to compensation for benefits and expenses, which will go into effect on July 1, 2020. Her Fare Share plan will invest millions of dollars in housing near transit and in transportation projects, including the Center City Connector streetcar. Finally, her proposal would also establish a first-in-the-nation independent Driver Resolution Center to provide Uber and Lyft drivers representation services and an impartial process for settling unwarranted deactivation by the companies.

Speakers include:

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan, City of Seattle

Nicole Grant, MLK Labor

Alex Hudson, Transportation Choices Coalition

Patience Malaba, Housing Development Consortium


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