Mayor Jenny A. Durkan (2018-2021) Archive videos

Mayor Durkan signs legislation updating Seattle’s building energy code
Mayor Durkan signs legislation updating Seattle’s building energy code

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan signs into law new updates to Seattle's building energy code, which will eliminate fossil fuels for most space and water heating, increase energy efficiency, and improve access to onsite renewables like solar. After transmitting to City Council in December 2020, Seattle City Council voted unanimously to pass the proposed updates on February 1. The code covers all new commercial buildings and large multifamily buildings above three stories and will go into effect on March 15.  

Speakers include:

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan, City of Seattle

Katie Garrow, Deputy Executive Director, Martin Luther King Co. Labor Council

Patience Malaba, Dir. of Govt. Relations & Policy, Housing Development Consortium of Seattle - King Co.


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