Public Affairs Videos

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SFD's Computer Aided Dispatch
Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SFD's CAD

Seattle Fire Department's Computer Aided Dispatch technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology February 5 - March 5, 2019, prior to review by City Council. This technology supports the Fire Department to fulfill their mission by responding to emergency situations quickly. Please visit for more information and to leave a comment.

Learn about other technologies:
Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SDOT's Acyclica

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SCL's Metering Tools 

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD 911 Logging Recorder 

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD CopLogic 

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD CAD


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