Public Affairs Videos

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: Seattle City Light Metering Tools
Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SCL's Metering Tools

Seattle City Light's metering technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology February 5 - March 5, 2019, prior to review by City Council. This technology supports the City's efforts to access meters suspected of diverting energy. There are three technologies: Binoculars, Sensorlink AmpFork, and Check Meter Devices. Please visit for more information and to leave a comment.

Learn about other technologies:

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SFD's CAD

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SDOT's Acyclica

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD 911 Logging Recorder 

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD CopLogic 

Group 2 Surveillance Technology Review: SPD CAD


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