Public Affairs Videos

Civic Cocktail: Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib + Chief Best & Sheriff Johanknecht
Civic Cocktail: Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib + Chief Carmen Best & Sheriff Johanknecht

He introduces himself as "...a three-time cancer surviving, fully blind, Iranian American from a mixed religion, immigrant family." Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib shares personal stories and reveals his humorous side during a lively conversation with host Joni Balter. Habib describes his "coolest" moment serving as acting governor, a role he's assumed a lot lately! He reveals who he supports for president, whether he'll run for governor and remembers fondly the person who first taught him to advocate for himself. Plus, the region's top two law enforcement leaders discuss police reform, recruiting, the recent Lake City shooting, and the homeless crisis. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best says, "We are not going to arrest our way out of homelessness." She said responding to the crisis requires a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach. King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht - whose office is a partner in the effort - praised the many organizations, nonprofits and government agencies working to help solve the problem of homelessness.


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