Public Affairs Videos

Civic Cocktail: Fighting Fire with Franz + Stonewall 50
Civic Cocktail: Fighting Fire with Franz + Stonewall 50

Washington Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz says all signs point to an extremely serious wildfire season, with the state facing more risk than wildfire-prone California. "I have firefighters who've fought for 40 years who've said 'I've never seen this in my entire life,'" Franz tells Civic Cocktail host Joni Balter. For now, she's focused on fires, but we ask if she's also considering a run for governor. And, it's been 50 years since the Stonewall riots marked the start of the modern LGBTQ movement. Today, the fight for civil rights continues. Former Seattle Deputy Mayor Anne Levinson says in the past few years there's been a ceaseless, relentless attack on the LGBTQ community. And Tobi Hill-Meyer, co-executive director of the Gender Justice League says transgender women of color are especially vulnerable and frequently the target of violence.


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