Seattle City Hall,
600 4th Ave
Floor L1,
WA 98104
Public Affairs Videos
Transportation & Seattle Public Utilities Committee 2/7/23
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Res 32080: providing an honorary designation of Alaskan Way between Dearborn and Pine Streets, and Elliott Way between Pine and Bell Street as “Dzidzilalich”; CB 120507: relating to City streets; CB 120506: granting Dunn Lumber Company permission to construct, maintain, and operate a private communication conduit; Res 32079: granting conceptual approval to construct, maintain, and operate a transformer and retaining wall.
Advance to a specific part
Public Comment - 2:20
Res 32080: providing an honorary designation of a portion of Alaskan Way as “Dzidzilalich” - 7:14
CB 120507: relating to City streets - 32:24
CB 120506: Dunn Lumber Company private communication conduit - 42:09
Res 32079: conceptual approval for a transformer and retaining wall - 47:46