Public Affairs Videos
Transportation Committee 1/21/2025
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Res 32158: Onni Boren Ave Seattle LLC and Boren St. below-grade pedestrian tunnel; Res 32159: Onni Boren Ave Seattle LLC and Boren St. below-grade private thermal energy exchange system; CB 120846: Triton West LLC and pipeline system - 13th Ave SW and SW Florida St.; CB 120924: Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority - pedestrian skybridge over and across Western Ave.; Safe Routes to School Presentation; School Traffic Safety Committee Presentation; Adjournment.
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Public Comment - 3:46
Res 32158: Boren St. below-grade pedestrian tunnel - 8:49
Res 32159: Boren St. below-grade private thermal energy exchange system - 14:49
CB 120846: Pipeline system at 13th Ave SW and SW Florida St. - 16:07
CB 120924: Pedestrian skybridge over and across Western Ave. - 19:06
Safe Routes to School Presentation - 25:32
School Traffic Safety Committee Presentation - 1:09:45