Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 9/30/2013
Full Council 9/30/2013

Agenda: Public comment, calendar, recyclable materials disposal, SoDo parking and BIA 5-year plan, authorizing funding from non-city sources, 2013 Budget revisions, U District planning donations, Port of Seattle lease agreement for Elliotte Bay Seawall Project, Third Ave South office space lease, Block 24 lease, Related to City employment and IBEW, Related to City employment and Police Dispatchers' Guild, Second Quarter 2013 Employment Ordinance, Seattle Women's Commission appointments, LGBT Commission appointments, CTTAB appointments, Commissions for People with Disabilities appointment, Pioneer Square zoning, Midrise zoning height, Discovery Park Boulevard bio-gas fuel treatment, Block 1, Wenzel Addition property, yellow pages phone books, rental registration and inspection.

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Public Comment - 15:12 Calendar - 36:23 C.B. 117906: recycable materials disposal - 38:20 C.B. 117875: SoDo parking and BIA 5-year plan - 43:15 C.B. 117891: authorizing funding from non-city sources - 57:12 C.B. 117890: 2013 Budget revisions - 58:25 C.B. 117897: U District planning donations - 1:00:07 C.B. 117920: Port of Seattle lease agreement for Elliotte Bay Seawall Project - 1:01:44 C.B. 117921: Third Ave South office space lease - 1:03:18 C.B. 117922: Block 24 lease - 1:04:24 C.B. 117923: Related to City employment and IBEW - 1:06:10 C.B. 117924: Related to City employment and Police Dispatchers' Guild - 1:07:10 C.B. 117925: Second Quarter 2013 Employment Ordinance - 1:08:24 C.F. 313227, C.F. 313228, C.F. 313229, C.F. 313230, C.F.313284, C.F. 313290 and C.F.313291: Seattle Women's Commission appointments - 1:10:00 C.F. 313232, C.F. 313233, C.F. 313234, C.F. 313235, C.F. 313285, C.F. 313286, C.F. 313287 and C.F. 313288: LGBT Commission appointments - 1:14:40 C.F. 313236 and C.F. 313237: CTTAB appointments - 1:19:10 C.F. 313238, C.F. 313273, and C.F. 313283: Commission for People with Disabilities and Seattle Human Rights Commission appointments - 1:21:30 C.B. 117854: Pioneer Square zoning - 1:25:17 C.B. 117877: Midrise zoning height - 1:45:45 C.B. 312839: Discovery Park Boulevard bio-gas fuel treatment - 1:46:50 C.B. 117889: Block 1, Wenzel Addition property - 1:47:00 C.B. 117852: yellow pages phone books - 1:49:15 C.B. 117905: rental registration and inspection - 1:50:05

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