Public Affairs Videos

How do we handle growth while maintaining the character of Seattle`s neighborhoods?
Seattle Speaks: Shaping Seattle Neighborhoods

It was a packed and lively crowd as residents, City leaders, community activists and building stakeholder came together to discuss how we handle growth and development while maintaining the character and charm of Seattle`s neighborhoods. Hear from activists as they talk about their experiences within their own community. Find out what stakeholders have to say about working collaboratively with the City and residents to create vibrant, dense and livable communities. Host Brian Callanan led the interactive discussion with Seattle City Councilmember Richard Conlin, Vulcan`s Vice President of Real Estate Development Ada M. Healey, South Seattle Crime Prevention Council member Mariana Quarnstrom, Department of Planning and Development Director Diane Sugimura, Fremont Neighborhood Council activist Toby Thaler.


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