Public Affairs Videos

Environmental Justice Network in Action (EJNA) Multimedia Project
Environmental Justice Network in Action (EJNA) Multimedia Project
On June 27th six students from Aki Middle School, St. Mary`s Parish and Interim CDA`s Wild Youth Program bravely stood in front of a room full of adults and presented their environmental videos and digital stories on healthy food options, waste prevention, hazardous chemicals in personal care products and electronic waste. During the past 9 months over 180 youth from these organizations worked with, Reel Grrls, and Tania Westby from Aki Kurose Middle School. They provided the youth training on video & digital story production and supported them in producing 16 video`s and digital stories. The youth used them to conduct outreach in culturally appropriate & relevant ways to their communities throughout Seattle and King County. This project is a collaboration between SPU and the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program to create awareness of SPU & LHWMP programs & services, and to build sustainable partnerships with communities around effective service delivery strategies that are culturally competent and relevant to the community.

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