Public Affairs Videos

Gun rights in WA State on City Inside/Out
City Inside/Out: Gun Rights

Take a look at gun rights in WA State in light of Former Mayor Nickels` executive order to ban guns on city property. The 2nd Amendment gives Americans the right to "keep and bear arms,” but gun-control advocates argue that there needs to be stricter gun laws. Do we need to close the "gun show loophole" and enact an assault weapon ban, or does current state law provide adequate protection? Is the mayor`s gun-free policy legal? And why does the state legislature routinely raise and then kill new gun legislation? We talk with State Senators Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-36th) and Pam Roach (R-31st). We also hear from Dave Workman, Second Amendment Foundation and Kristen Comer, Washington Ceasefire.


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