Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 8/8/2016
Full Council 8/8/2016

Agenda: Public Comment, Payment of Bills, Res 31690: Designation of Ernestine Anderson Way, CB 118755: Relating to Open Housing Ordinance, CF 314315 and CB 118750: Relating to rezoning on Dexter Ave N, CB 118675: Relating to rezoning in Lake City Urban Village, Res 31682: Comprehensive Plan amendments, CB 118731: historic preservation of The Theodora, CB 118737, Res 31688, Res 31689: Seattle City Employees' Retirement System, CF 314304: Swedish Health alley vacation, Res 31681: Equity and Environment agenda, CB 118732: Relating to city streets, CB 118733: Relating to Sound Transit, CB 118725: Relating to Dept of Parks and Recreation.


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