Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 9/26/2016
Full Council 9/26/2016

Agenda: Mayor Murray presents his 2017 and 2018 Proposed Budgets, Public Comment, Appointment and Oath of Office of Mami Hara as Director of Seattle Public Utilities, CB 118807-11: collective bargaining agreement, Res 31705: I-5 East Duwamish Greenbelt, CB 118785: land use and zoning, Res 31710: Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan Update, Res 31711: Equitable Development Implementation Plan and Equitable Development Financial Investment Strategy, CB 118773: North Fork Tolt River Watershed, CB 118774: Port of Seattle Drainage Utility, CB 118775: Washington State Public Works Board loan, CB 118772: Seattle Fire Code, CB 118796: Swedish skybridge, CB 118815: speed limits, CF 314320: vacation of the alley, Res 31696: Mayor's Drive Clean Seattle initiative, Res 31700: Swedish tunnel, Res 31706: Seattle Freight Master Plan, CB 118797: Madison Valley Park Foundation, Appointments to Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees.


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